Texarkana Gazette

Marked plugs save fumbling; buy extra wedding fabric for christenin­g gown

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: Most electrical devices now come with polarized plugs—one plug is wider than the other. To quickly tell which side goes up, I mark the top side of the plug. I use a white dot of paint or correction fluid on dark plugs, or a black dot on light-colored plugs. Now I can quickly tell which side goes up when plugging in a device, even in low light.—Scott R., Rockville, Md.


Dear Readers: On a recent business trip to Washington D.C., I stopped in to see friends at The Washington Post, which runs my column. One of the reporters had an interestin­g plant on top of a file cabinet. I had never seen this plant before and was amazed that it did so well with only fluorescen­t lighting in the newsroom. She told me she had actually saved the plant from the DEAD PLANT file! Meaning, the previous owner had given up on it: “It’s going to die.” She let me snip off a few pieces to take home.

At my hotel, I placed the trimmings in an empty coffee packet that is like foil, along with some wet tissues. I wrapped a rubber band around this, and then put it into a plastic shopping bag. Amazingly, it made it home still alive! I’ll keep you filled in on the progress of the “WASHPOST” plant, as I now call it.—Heloise


Dear Heloise: Our daughter is getting married. She always wanted to have a wedding dress made based on her design ideas. She also preplanned and bought extra material to save. She hopes to use the material one day to have a christenin­g gown made for her first child.—Betsy W., Knoxville, Tenn.

This certainly is planning ahead, and it does seem that young girls can plan a wedding for years even before there is a groom in the picture! This hint is actually one of many I have in my Heloise’s Bridal Gown Hints and More pamphlet. You can order it online Heloise. com, or by sending $3 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Bridal, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 782795001.—Heloise

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