Texarkana Gazette

Cheers & Jeers


CHEERS: To all the people that helped make Rescue Rama VIII garage/bake sale Sat. Oct. 3, a hugh success. This event happens twice a year to help raise funds for local dog rescues. Thru the generosity of donars, bakers, voulunteer­s, repeat supporters and those wanting great bargains, a fun time, good home baked goods continue to help dog rescues continue to rescue abused, abandoned, forgotten dogs get much needed vet care, vaccines, all shots, spay/ neuter. God bless all that care and continue to show their love, support and caring for the sacrifices these rescues do.— N.R.S., Texarkana, Texas

JEERS: This time of the year bothers me because we do not change the time until the first weekend in November. I know there are some children who have to get on a school bus so early that they are standing by the road in the dark. We need to make the time change in

October each year.— M.R.N., Texarkana, Texas

Cheers and Jeers are published each Saturday on the Opinion Page of the Texarkana Gazette.

Cheers and Jeers must be limited to 100 words or less, and may be edited for length and legal considerat­ions. No personal attacks, business/ commercial, or consumer complaint Cheers or Jeers will be printed.

You may submit your Cheers and Jeers to us at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504; by fax at (903) 794-3315; or by e-mail at opinion@ texarkanag­azette.com. Deadline for Saturday publicatio­n is noon Wednesday.

Although only initials and the city and state are printed with each entry, we require each Cheer and Jeer to include the writer’s name, address, telephone number and signature. Submission­s become the property of the Texarkana Gazette.

Publicatio­n is limited to one entry per contributo­r within a 30-day period.

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