Texarkana Gazette

A lack of feedback?

- Heloise Advice

Dear Readers: Here is this week’s Sound Off about customer service: “I have wondered why it is so difficult to engage American companies in a two-way conversati­on. It seems to be somewhere between difficult and impossible to provide companies with feedback on products and services.”— Chris C., via email

Chris, sorry, but I can’t agree with you. At no time has it been easier to contact a company. Most have a website, which usually has contact informatio­n—sometimes only an email, but many times a phone number, also. A lot of products do have a toll-free phone number on the label itself.

Whether they listen or respond to you is another matter!—Heloise

FAST FACTS Dear Readers: Other uses for picture frames:

Frame colorful paper, set the picture frame flat and use to hold a candle.

Use a large frame as decoration around a flat-screen TV.

Frame a screen or corkboard and use to hang jewelry.

Paint the glass with chalkboard paint and use for messages.—Heloise


Dear Heloise: Shredding paperwork can be such a mess. I always seem to get little pieces of paper floating around when dumping the bin. Now I line my shredder with a lightweigh­t trash bag. When it is full, I simply pull the drawstring and carry it to the trash.—Lew D., Mobile, Ala.

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