Texarkana Gazette

Living in Fear

No one should be allowed to exploit our concern over school violence


We have, it seems, become a nation that lives in fear. Fear based on very real incidents, but often sparked by rumors and social media.

On Friday, such a rumor spread through Genoa Central High School (east of Texarkana) and reached parents of students there.

The story was that a male student has made a threat against the school. A vague rumor to be sure. But one that set off a spark.

Before long, parents were arriving to pick their children up and take them home. They weren’t taking any chances.

And who can blame them? Fortunatel­y the rumor turned out to be false. Nothing happened. No one was hurt.

But how can anyone be sure when we have seen what seems like so many attacks on schools and public spaces over the past few years? Better safe than sorry, as they say.

The truth is few of these rumors pan out. In most cases, they are nothing but so much talk.

But what if …

That’s always the thought. That’s always the fear.

It looks like the Genoa incident was just loose talk and text messages that got out of hand. But sometimes these false threats are intentiona­l. For whatever reason there are those who deliberate­ly make false threats of various kinds.

The problem is our fear gives those who would pull such stunts a certain power. They can realistica­lly shut down a school, clear a government building, disrupt our daily lives.

And that’s a shame. We shouldn’t have to live like that. To live in fear.

The prospect of violence is rare, but it’s real. But no one should be allowed to amplify our concern for our children and each other with false threats.

Depending on the age of the offender, making such threats is a felony in both Arkansas and Texas and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in jail.

We know the authoritie­s take such threats seriously. They do what they can to investigat­e and arrest offenders. Then it’s up to prosecutor­s and the court system.

In our view, when there is an intentiona­l false threat made, especially against a school. there should be little mercy shown. A rumor had Genoa parents worried that something awful might happen. No one should be put through that intentiona­lly.

It’s serious crime and consistent, serious punishment might just make people think twice before making a false threat.

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