Texarkana Gazette

Police: No killer clowns in town

Hoax spreads across Facebook, nation; no children reported missing


Reports of killer clowns in Texarkana are only rumors.

“It’s just a big hoax,” said Shawn Vaughn, spokesman for the Texarkana, Texas, Police Department.

Vaughn said that rumors started over the weekend of “killer clowns” in Texarkana luring children into the woods.

He fielded calls most of the day Monday and said he wants the public to know the TTPD has received no missing person reports or any other reports that might be related to clowns.

“It’s one of those internet, social media myths. It’s been a hoax across the nation for the past two weeks,” he said.

Authoritie­s in Greenville, S.C., were among the first to report a clown-related incident in recent weeks. Children reported clowns trying to lure them into the woods with money. But investigat­ors found no evidence of anyone in a clown suit.

Recent reports have also occurred in Alabama, Georgia, Maryland and Pennsylvan­ia.

Vaughn addressed the rumors on the police department’s Facebook page early Monday, noting that it is not illegal for someone to wear a clown mask in public, and seeing someone dressed as a clown is not a valid reason to call 911.

‘There is absolutely nothing to any of this,” he wrote. “We assure you that there are absolutely no evil clowns around here, and all the children have been accounted for. If you do happen to see a clown driving down the road or standing on the street corner, just turn and go the other direction. Unless they are actually committing a crime, please do not call 911.”

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