Texarkana Gazette

Stop animal abuse



How can anyone mistreat a dog, cat, or any animal? It is absolutely inhuman. You must be of the devil and hate yourself. A normal human would not starve animals, beat animals, make them fight, run over them on purpose, cripple them so they have to drag their maimed body. How cruel, shameful, and unbelievab­le, that we actually have anyone in the Four States area that would stoop so low. It’s hard to believe there are so many heartless inhuman people. You will pay for what you do to God’s creations. Laugh if you will, but yes, God created all these precious animals that many of us love and many of you abuse.

Why? Why do you do this? Dogs are service dogs, police K-9s, dogs for the blind, military dogs, our best friend, excellent for the sick, used in nursing homes, there are so many more uses for our beautiful animals. They don’t have to be any certain breed to be a service dog. They help disabled veterans. Stop the abuse and cruelty to animals.

A beautiful black and white cat sat on a corner in the same spot for two days waiting for his owners to return and get him. They never came. My husband and I picked him up, took him to our veterinari­an for a full checkup, shots, and made an appointmen­t for him to be neutered. He is a sweet, loving, inside cat.

Animal abusers seem to get by being abusive. When caught, they get a slap on the hand; go home free. There should be a punishment as severe for animal abusers as they abuse the animals. Run over them, break their back, as they did this one dog, and drag their body, as she did. This little girl was named Sweet Baby. She was loved, before she was put to sleep by our veterinari­an. She is wrapped in cloth and buried in a pet cemetery. She has a star brick like all the pets in this cemetery. She’s not alone. An angel is at her head.

May God richly bless everyone that has a love for animals.

Please, don’t turn away strays. If you can’t take them, try to place them in a home, or call your animal shelter to help. Your local veterinary clinic may help if you take a picture to post.

Help the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered. Sylvia Jordan Douglassvi­lle, Texas

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