Texarkana Gazette

Some questions for Judge Gorsuch


WASHINGTON—This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee will question Neil Gorsuch about the judiciary’s role. Herewith some pertinent questions:

■ Lincoln’s greatness began with his recoil from the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, which empowered residents of those territorie­s to decide whether to have slavery. The act’s premise was that “popular sovereignt­y”—majorities’ rights—is the essence of the American project. Is it, or is liberty?

■ Justice Robert Jackson wrote, “The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to … place [certain subjects] beyond the reach of majorities.” Was that not also the purpose of the 14th Amendment’s Privileges and Immunities Clause? It says: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.” Was this amendment’s purpose to ensure that the natural rights of all citizens would be protected from abridgemen­t by their states?

■ If so, was the court wrong in the 1873 Slaughterh­ouse Cases? It essentiall­y erased the Privileges and Immunities Clause, holding that it did not secure natural rights (e.g., the right to enter contracts and earn a living), for the protection of which, the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce says, government­s are instituted.

■ Chief Justice John Roberts says the doctrine of stare decisis—previous court decisions are owed respect—is not an “inexorable command.” The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), upholding racial segregatio­n in separate but equal facilities, has been undone. Should the Slaughterh­ouse Cases ruling be revisited?

■ The court, without warrant from the Constituti­on’s text or history, has divided Americans’ liberties between those it deems “fundamenta­l,” such as speech and associatio­n, and others, many pertaining to economic activity and the right to earn a living, that are inferior. Abridgemen­ts of the latter have been given less exacting judicial scrutiny. The court calls this “rational basis” scrutiny; it should be called “conceivabl­e basis” scrutiny. If a legislatur­e asserts, or the court can imagine, a rational basis for the abridgemen­t, it stands. Do you think judges should decide which liberties to protect or neglect? Should courts examine evidence of whether economic regulation­s are related to public health and safety or merely reflect rent seeking by economic interests?

■ The Ninth Amendment says: “The enumeratio­n in the Constituti­on, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Robert Bork said this is akin to an “inkblot” on the Constituti­on that judges should ignore. Do you agree? How can judges be faithful to this amendment? Was Madison correct that it should dispose us against a latitudina­rian interpreta­tion of Congress’ powers? Is the Ninth Amendment pertinent to, say, the right to earn a living free from unreasonab­le licensure requiremen­ts or other barriers to entry into an occupation?

■ Other than a law that abridges a liberty enumerated in the Bill of Rights, are there limits to Congress’ power over interstate commerce?

■ The Fifth Amendment says no property shall be taken “for public use” without just compensati­on. In the 2005 Kelo case, the court upheld a city’s seizure of private property not to facilitate constructi­on of a public structure or to cure blight, but for the “public use” of transferri­ng it to a wealthier private interest that would pay more taxes. Did the court err?

■ Madison worried that Congress would draw “all power into its impetuous vortex.” For many decades, however, our centrifuga­l Congress has been spinning off essentiall­y legislativ­e powers, delegating them to presidents and executive agencies. The Constituti­on says “All legislativ­e powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress.” Should the court enforce limits to Congress’ power to delegate its powers?

■ Citizens United held that unions and corporatio­ns, particular­ly incorporat­ed nonprofit advocacy groups, can engage in unregulate­d spending that is not coordinate­d with candidates or campaigns. Was the court correct that Americans do not forfeit their First Amendment rights when they come together in incorporat­ed entities to speak collective­ly?

■ Is it constituti­onal for Congress, by regulating political spending, to control the quantity and timing of political speech?

■ You commendabl­y believe that judges should adhere to the “original public meaning” of the Constituti­on’s text. Would you feel bound to follow a previous court decision that did not evaluate evidence of original meaning and was, in your view, in conflict with it? If not, would you be elevating the views of judges over those of the Framers?

■ Oliver Wendell Holmes, a deferentia­l, majoritari­an jurist, said: “If my fellow citizens want to go to Hell I will help them. It’s my job.” Discuss.

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