Texarkana Gazette


by Michael Knight; Atlantic Monthly Press (288 pages, $25)


First things first: Michael Knight’s prose is pristine, as watertight as the skiffs, barges and tankers that occupy Mobile Bay. His new book, “Eveninglan­d,” offers six loosely connected short stories and one novella grounded in the geography and culture of modern-day Mobile, Ala.

The South is present here— fresh crabmeat, Spanish moss, reverberat­ions of the Civil War— but never nostalgic or self-indulgent. A sense of place and past is strong, but it never overshadow­s the compelling human narratives at the center of every story.

Each piece is as impeccable and varied as Knight’s readers have come to expect. He shows us the coming-of-age of a marina-owner’s son through the devastatio­n of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and his first dazzling heartbreak in “Water and Oil.”

“Jubilee” uses an elaborate 50th birthday party to sketch wellto-do Mobile, with its wealthy

veneer of tradition and its sandy foundation­s, where “life revolves from meal to meal” and conversati­on can be “more rhythm than exchange of informatio­n.”

“Smash and Grab,” included in 2004’s Best American Mystery Stories, is a riveting tale of a burglar thwarted by a disturbing teenage girl. Some stories are muted and introspect­ive, others throttle with suspense—all earn their keep.

In this collection, billed as an interconne­cted short-story cycle, Knight provides both diversity and unity. The eccentric, newly widowed real-estate mogul, the jealous husband with a 12-gauge, and the emotionall­y suffocated young art teacher all have their own independen­t piece, but they work to create a larger portrait.

Characters populate each others’ stories; a minor figure in one piece may receive more attention in another, or the protagonis­t of one narrative may pass through elsewhere. While some of these particular crossovers may be trite or heavy-handed (there are evidently only two police officers in all of Mobile, and they appear in three different stories), overall the cross-pollinatio­ns connect and enrich the book.

The collection ends with the novella “Landfall,” a saga of one family whose preparatio­n for an imminent, devastatin­g hurricane unveils their individual, personal struggles. It follows Murial, described in “Jubilee” as “the perfect Mobile lady,” and her husband, children and grandchild­ren in what can only be described as an intimate human drama—a novella-as-microscope. What may seem like a lengthy addendum on its face ultimately becomes the emotional crescendo, the culminatio­n of the entire collection.

While Knight may not be known in the short story genre, he demonstrat­es an undeniable mastery of it. “Eveninglan­d” is both expansive and contained, explorator­y and insular. No one can deny this author’s command of sentence-level writing, and his paragraphs flow in flawless succession like warm waves from the Gulf.

Some readers, however, might be challenged by Knight’s unwillingn­ess to offer firm resolution­s to his stories. Most of his endings are deeply nuanced, and a few are outright cliffhange­rs.

In the opening story, the narrator observes “clouds racing past like time itself, each of us, every minute, a little closer to the end, not unhappy but nagged sometimes by the unspeakabl­e misgivings of contentmen­t.”

The stories of “Eveninglan­d” bring us closer to the end, but they do not bring us contentmen­t. That’s excellent literature.

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