Texarkana Gazette

Be sociable with the people you’re with—the cellphone can wait

- Heloise Advice King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: Some basic cellphone etiquette:

n When at a table with friends having lunch, don’t read your emails or texts.

n Don’t look up everything being discussed.

n Don’t show all your pictures of kids, grandkids, etc.

I feel like I’m not there visiting with the person—he or she is more interested in what is going on with the phone. I am tolerant, however, of those expecting a call that they need to take. Thanks for letting me sound off.—C. in Kerrville, Texas

Dear C.: You’re welcome! It’s a fact of our busy daily life that cellphones are now considered “an appendage” to many folks. You are correct about NOT excessivel­y texting and reading texts while in a social or work setting. It also depends on the group.

Is it REALLY that important? Disengage from your phone for 30 minutes.

I think you will find that the world went on without your eyes or thumbs connecting with your phone.— Heloise


Dear Readers: A reader, via email, shared a photo of her rescued Maltese mix, Jill, aka Jilly Bean, fresh from her favorite groomer, relaxing in front of the fireplace. Visit www.Heloise.com to see Jilly Bean.—Heloise


Dear Heloise: I work as a volunteer at a no-kill county animal shelter in Ventura, Calif. A big part of the operation is adoptions and finding foster homes for the residents. I just fostered my first pet—so rewarding, plus being a foster family allows access to all the facility’s resources.

The shelter set me up with blankets, toys, food, bowls and free vet services. For all animal lovers, please look into this rewarding experience. So many animals are in need of a warm home.—A reader, via email


Dear Readers: Spring is almost here. The yard may need some attention. Here are a few quick hints: n Fix bare patches. n Fertilize grass to get it healthy.

n Pick up branches and debris before doing yardwork.

n If raking, wait until the leaves and the lawn are dry.

n Cut back dead shrubbery, if needed.

n Some shrubbery and plants may LOOK dead, but are not, so don’t get heavy-handed unless you KNOW they are.



Dear Heloise: We moved recently, and I organized my closet as I hung up the clothes. The things I always grab are easiest to reach; seldom-worn clothes go further back. Coats and heavy sweaters are at the end of the rod, since we don’t wear them often.

I also put all my shirts together by color, and now I can go right to the blue or white section

and find the one I want to wear.

Sure wish I had done this before!—Verna, via email


Dear Heloise: In an old mayo jar, I collect loose buttons I find in the washer or on worn-out garments I am throwing away. They can be used on future projects!—Jane M., Lubbock, Texas

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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