Texarkana Gazette

It’s time for techies to apply talents to real world


At a turbulent moment in the online media business, the fate of Yahoo and buzzed-about CEO Marissa Mayer offers cautionary tales for policymake­rs and the public.

Mayer, who has been the boss since 2012, is to step down when Yahoo closes its sale to Verizon, it was announced last week. Like the industry consolidat­ion now folding one company into another, the meritocrat­ic hoopla undiminish­ed amid Mayer’s departure suggests too much hype still surrounds attitude and algorithms in tech—at the expense of concrete ideas applied to the physical world we live in.

Yet the glamor of new media endures—for now. While Mayer has pointedly placed work above self-promotion and the can-do corporate progressiv­ism that defines much of Silicon Valley culture, industry peers such as Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg have actively fueled the impression that tech titans, and those aspiring to share their power, can and should have it all.

Their “inclusive” elite culture shrugs off losses like Yahoo’s, doing little to assuage concerns that data is unsafe from the kind of hacking that caused Verizon to seek a $1 billion discount on the sale price (before agreeing to a $350 million price cut).

By the lights of some of Silicon Valley’s most glamorous moguls, it’s almost as if success is just a matter of killer self-esteem and the skill set to match. No way they’ll let their glow be dimmed by the deep structural problems plaguing new media, much of social media included.

Mayer, who faces a $23 million payout for her labors, will surely land on her feet. But if she remains in the new media business, where will she go?

Even relatively fresh faces in powerhouse media, like Megyn Kelly, set their sights on becoming the next Oprah. That’s a striking sign of just how little innovation there has been in their industry despite all the disruption. The sheer talent produced in Silicon Valley needs better and fresher outlets than that.

To find them, it’s time techies looked past screens big and small, back to the real world, where infrastruc­ture is stagnating and people are struggling. The Orange County Register

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