Texarkana Gazette

Arkansas governor signs bill reinstatin­g voter ID law

- By Andrew DeMillo

LITTLE ROCK—Arkansas' governor signed a measure Friday requiring voters to show photo identifica­tion before casting a ballot, reinstatin­g a voter ID law that was struck down by the state's highest court more than two years ago.

The bill signed by Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson closely mirrors the law enacted by the Legislatur­e in 2013 that was found unconstitu­tional by the state Supreme Court the following year. The latest law is aimed at addressing the argument by some justices that the 2013 law didn't receive enough votes in the Legislatur­e to be enacted.

Unlike that measure, the latest version of the requiremen­t allows voters with a photo ID to cast a provisiona­l ballot if they sign a sworn statement confirming their identity.

"This law is different, in a number of ways, than the previous law, which was struck down by the Supreme Court. It should hold up under any court review. For those reasons, I signed the bill into law," Hutchinson said.

The legislatio­n is one of two efforts by lawmakers to revive the voter ID requiremen­t. Earlier this month, they voted to put a proposed constituti­onal amendment imposing the requiremen­t on next year's ballot.

Four of the justices who struck down the 2013 law are no longer on the court, and one of the new justices is a former Republican state legislator. The three justices who said the 2013 law didn't get the two-thirds vote needed to change voter registrati­on requiremen­ts remain on the court.

The justices no longer on the court weren't voted out of office because of the ruling. Three retired and the fourth was an interim justice appointed to the court whose term expired at the end of 2014.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which filed the lawsuit that led to the previous law being stricken, said the latest measure raises the same concerns that voters will be disenfranc­hised.

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