Texarkana Gazette


- By Neil Abeles

The customer dropping by this local Atlanta, Texas, business at noon on Wednesdays may get a surprising greeting. “Come join us,” a table full of people will call out.

If you are the customer, you’ll recall noticing all the parking places outside were filled on this day.

“Isn’t everyone supposed to be at lunch?” you’ll ask yourself.

What is going on among the colorful surroundin­gs of Local Creations Art Studio is Bible study and Bible journaling. It’s free to all and you are welcome to attend.

First, you’ll find the discussion to be bright and airy. Questions are being asked.

Leader Tara Collins is not giving a lecture. This Bible study—and the Bible journaling that most are doing at the same time—is all about being open with others and one’s self.

First, perhaps an explanatio­n about

Bible journaling is needed.

Journaling is writing about oneself, one’s everyday experience. The purpose of journaling is to slow down to think about what’s truly happening around you.

Biblical journaling is doing that in the margins of a Bible. One writes, paints or draws in the margins of the Bible in response to what one has read. Some Bibles are made especially with wide margins just for this creative work.

At this art studio, Bible journaling can be taught and will focus on colorful artwork that will be representa­tive of the passage of Scripture being read.

“Gets us into the Bible and helps us understand Scripture,” Collins said. “It’s all about being a freeing experience. One becomes inspired to journal in the Bible.”

As for the Bible study that’s going on, too, leader Collins is an accomplish­ed teacher. She has years of experience teaching reading in public schools, often to students in special education.

Her skill in teaching this noon Bible study group is to ask a question, give some time for everyone to write a response and then call for each to read what they’ve written.

No one is overlooked. Others around

the group respond to what is said.

The purpose, once again, is for everyone to be open, to slow down and think about the Scripture passage.

“Biblical journaling is about deepening joy in the present. It’s a powerful way of hearing God’s voice in the Scriptures. A powerful opportunit­y to let God’s grace be in our lives,” Collins said.

The noontime Bible study has only recently begun, even though it has long been an idea the owners of Local Creation Art Studio wanted to start.

They, of course, have plenty of art classes to teach.

“We put an announceme­nt on Facebook and waited to see who would show up,” group member Sherry Quinn said.

This first session will last eight weeks, Collins said.

Afterwards, the group will consider another eight-week session.

A bonus is that for those who would be missing a needed noon lunch, the art studio makes sure some light lunch such as soup and crackers is available.

And the clock is strictly observed so that all may be back at work when necessary.

But anyone is welcome to drop in. The flexible format allows one to simply sit down and join the discussion.

Recently, Collins asked the group questions such as these:

“When the Bible speaks about the Lord and majesty, what do you think you’d feel? Would fear be involved?”


“What does it mean to have the King of Kings as your constant companion?”

At another moment, Collins engendered discussion when she remarked that, as a woman and for all other women who find they are always busy, “We find it the hardest thing to do to ‘slow down, sit still and and listen’ as a Biblical passage advises.”

As for the impact of journaling, the leaders said the process helps in five ways:

1. Journaling helps determine how one truly feels.

2. Journaling helps us understand our point of view so that we may understand others

3. Journaling helps us recognize our life as one worth living.

4. Journaling makes us a cooler older person because we write for others and pass it on.

5. Journaling builds serenity by helping us get back to the important things.

“In addition, when we do Biblical journaling and put our feelings and inspiratio­n in the margins of this book, we stay balanced by returning to these pages over and over again,” Collins said.

 ?? Photo by Neal Ables ?? Tara Collins of Local Creations Art Studio shows the Bible in which she has done artistic journaling as a way of deepening her understand­ing.
Photo by Neal Ables Tara Collins of Local Creations Art Studio shows the Bible in which she has done artistic journaling as a way of deepening her understand­ing.
 ?? Photo by Neal Ables ?? At the noon hour on Wednesdays, this Atlanta business conducts Bible study for all who some by and wish to attend. Seated around the Local Creations Art Studio table are, from left, Sherry Quinn, Sandra Bono, Carol Smithers, Sharon Thomason, Leslie...
Photo by Neal Ables At the noon hour on Wednesdays, this Atlanta business conducts Bible study for all who some by and wish to attend. Seated around the Local Creations Art Studio table are, from left, Sherry Quinn, Sandra Bono, Carol Smithers, Sharon Thomason, Leslie...

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