Texarkana Gazette



by Jennifer Ryan; Crown (371 pages, $26)

Jennifer Ryan’s “The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir,” a charming if occasional­ly awkward tale of life in a rural English village in early World War II, has been optioned for television by the production company behind “Downton Abbey.” Reading it, I couldn’t stop playing casting director. Lily James (Cousin Rose from “Downton”) as the beautiful, impetuous Venetia? Helena Bonham Carter as unscrupulo­us midwife Edwina Palfrey? (Would somebody please name their band Unscrupulo­us Midwives?) Emma Thompson as kindhearte­d widow Mrs. Tilling, sending her only son off to fight? Clearly I am in the wrong profession.

It’s an enjoyable distractio­n while reading a book that’s as good as it needs to be, if only just. “The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir” has multiple narrators, heard through journal entries and let-

ters to friends and family; most of them women, left behind in Chilbury while the men are overseas. The war has decimated the local church choir; hence the new group referenced in the title, and some musings from the characters about how music can bring us together in times of strife. The intertwini­ng plot involves the usual fare—love triangles, an unexpected pregnancy, two people thrown together by war discoverin­g romance—and a few somewhat less expected strands, such as a nefarious baby-switching plot (involving the U.M. and a local mustache-twirling brigadier who wants a son and is willing to pay for him).

Ryan, a Brit and former book editor now living in D.C., dedicates the novel—her first—to her grandmothe­r, who told her stories of how the women on the Home Front “fought on through the bombs and the heartache.” The book has a genuine sweetness to it, one that lets the reader forgive the frequently stilted dialogue and occasional­ly too-flowery language. As we wait for the television series, “The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir” provides a pleasant read, punctuated with the occasional moment of gentle insight—such as how young David, heading off to war, seemed “like a fox gamboling into the hunt, half expecting to be caught, not thinking about how it all might end.”

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