Texarkana Gazette

Housekeepi­ng schedule helps keep things on track

- Heloise Advice King Features Syndicate

Dear Readers: My mother, the original Heloise (1919-1977), was every housekeepe­r’s helper, friend and cheerleade­r. She really championed her “housewifes” as she called her readers, because yes, they were housewives back then.

She tried to tell her readers that there is more to life than just HOUSEWORK! But don’t forget: cleaning, laundry and dusting go on and on and on!

She also would say that maintainin­g a schedule is important to running a household, but don’t worry if you fall behind a day or two. You always can catch up. Life is too short to worry about all the little what-ifs and what-would-have-beens! Sound advice, I’d say.

Today, the entire family should be involved in caring for your home. But, as she would say, be yourself; do only what your energy allows for that day!— Heloise

P.S. Dust will always be there; your family may not!


Dear Readers: Anne C. in Cibolo, Texas, sent a picture of her Jack Russell terrier, Bo. Bo is holding two yummy cookies in his mouth—he’s not letting go of either one!

To see Bo and our other Pet Pals, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.” If you’d like to share your furry and funny friend, email Heloise@Heloise.com!—Heloise


Dear Heloise: This hint has always helped me put on the right amount of perfume. I dab a tiny bit of unscented body lotion or baby oil on my wrist and behind my ears, and then spray those areas with the scent. The fragrance lasts longer this way!—Tina C., Nashville, Tenn.

Thanks for the reminder. If you can smell your fragrance, then you probably have put on too much. HELOISE HINT: DON’T spray the scent in the air, then walk through it; you only get perfume on your clothes that way—not good.—Heloise


Dear Heloise: We try to compost as much as we can—yard clippings, vegetable trimmings, eggshells, coffee grounds and even torn-up newspapers (no meat or fat!).

For a small compost pile, we use a bin— this keeps critters out. Sprinkling the compost with water encourages breakdown of the materials.

We share this with our grandchild­ren when they come to visit. When the compost has been there for a few weeks, it gets HOT inside the pile. I have the little ones put their hands over the compost to feel the heat! This means it’s time to turn the compost and add air to it.—Chuck and Esther, Round Rock, Texas


Dear Heloise: I worried about my grandchild­ren fumbling around in the dark when they had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

I painted the light-switch plate with florescent paint. Night lights along the way help, too!—Grandma Mary, Columbus, Ohio


Dear Readers: Who wants a smashed finger? A classic Heloise Hint: To keep a nail upright, hold it between the teeth of a comb while hammering. No ouch!—Heloise

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