Texarkana Gazette

Use food thermomete­r to ensure meat is properly cooked

- Heloise Advice King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: It’s important to cook foods so that bacteria is destroyed in the process and the best flavor is brought out in the food. As a profession­al chef,

I use a food thermomete­r to check on the internal temperatur­e of what I prepare, and I’d like to share that with your readers.

All poultry: internal temperatur­e 165 F. Ground meat (beef, pork or lamb):160 F.

Whole-meat cuts: 145 F. —Thomas S., New York

FREEZER INVENTORY Dear Heloise: Make a list of everything in your freezer and place it in a zippered plastic bag, which is then taped to the door of the freezer.

Mark off items you remove, and write down ones you add. Keep a pencil handy inside the bag.—Hannah K., Eau Claire, Wis.

WASH AWAY THE SALT Dear Heloise: I found a taco soup recipe online. It tells us to drain and rinse the kidney beans, then add water. Why drain the ingredient­s of their own liquid? Why not use it instead of flavorless water?— Lynda P., Garrettsvi­lle, Ohio

Lynda, most canned foods are packed with salt. By draining and rinsing the beans or other ingredient­s, you take away added salt. It also ensures that one flavor does not overpower another.—Heloise

VINEGAR RINSE Dear Heloise: I enjoy your helpful column. Here is a hint I haven’t seen before: I wash all my fruits and vegetables in plain vinegar, except lettuce. Afterward, I rinse with plain water until the vinegar smell is gone. It kills fungus and may wash away pesticide. It also brings out the color in the fruit and makes it last longer. I then take the vinegar outside and pour it on weeds; the vinegar will kill the weeds in about three days.—Helga C., Harrod, Ohio

Helga, great idea, and the vinegar kills a few germs, too! I have a pamphlet full of other useful vinegar hints that you can order by visiting my website, www. Heloise.com. Or you can send a stamped (70 cents), self-addressed, business-size envelope, along with $5, to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. I like your idea of pouring the leftover vinegar on weeds. It’s not only organic, but it’s also not harmful to the environmen­t.—Heloise

HEALTHY FRUITS AND VEGGIES Dear Heloise: I grow as many of my own vegetables and fruits as I can. I know where my food came from, and I know that pesticides weren’t used unless they were natural and organic. Most fruits and vegetables in the grocery store are covered in bacteria, fungus spores, bug droppings and various chemicals. By growing my own tomatoes, for example, I know they were grown in clean, healthy soil with mulch, but without insect sprays or harmful chemicals.—Kaycee E., Warwick, R.I.

Kaycee, yes, growing your own food can give you healthy, fresh vegetables and fruit, even if you have to do container gardening. Even apartment dwellers can grow their own veggies in pots on their patio.—Heloise

DID YOU KNOW? Dear Readers: According to legend, pretzels were invented by an Italian monk, who used the treats as a bribe to get kids to memorize Scripture.

In fact, the crisscross­ed part is supposed to represent the folded arms of good children in prayer.—Heloise

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