Texarkana Gazette

Bill could turn back page, return power to Texas Board of Education

- By Will Weissert

AUSTIN—The often-combative Texas Board of Education would expand its ability to reject textbooks it doesn’t like, rolling back limits that have been in place for more than two decades, under a proposal on the verge of clearing the state Legislatur­e.

Some fear the bill’s benign language would, intentiona­lly or not, return broad influence to a veteran bloc of social conservati­ves on the 15-member, elected board. That same bloc previously has attempted to deemphasiz­e lessons on evolution and climate change, and insist that publishers edit classroom materials to better conform to Republican ideology.

How impactful is the textbook market in Texas? Large enough that changes made for the state can affect what’s taught nationwide, though modern, electronic classroom materials have made it easier to tailor lessons to individual states and school districts—thus diluting the board’s national influence some in recent years.

The board’s ability to influence what gets published in textbooks—even sometimes line-editing materials to remove things its members didn’t like—was far greater before 1995. That year, the Texas Legislatur­e passed an omnibus education bill that included limits allowing the board only to reject textbook when discoverin­g factual errors or material that didn’t conform to Texas curriculum standards, which mandate what gets taught its about 5.3 million students.

Texas’ more than 1,000 school districts don’t have to use board-approved textbooks, but most do.

Some say a bill already approved by the Texas Senate, and scheduled for a state House vote Tuesday, would return sweeping influence to the board. The proposal would require that all materials on the Board of Education’s instructio­nal list be “suitable for the subject and grade level” for which it was submitted. That seems relatively tame, but classroom advocates say it is subjective enough to force wholesale textbook rewrites.

“Board members will take this bill as an open invitation to return to the days of almost unrestrain­ed bullying of publishers to change or censor textbook content for purely political reasons,” said Dan Quinn, a spokesman for the Texas Freedom Network, a board watchdog group and frequent critic. “The board will become an even bigger political circus than it has been.”

The proposal’s sponsor, Sen. Kel Siliger, doesn’t see it as a broad expansion of power.

“There’s been a lot of weirdness, but as it’s described in the bill, it’s about age and grade appropriat­eness and things like that,” said Seliger, a Republican from Amarillo. “The culture wars won’t be played out in legislatio­n.”

But Seliger also acknowledg­ed that the proposed changes could have unintended consequenc­es: “Absolutely there will be factions that try to stretch and look for things like ideologica­l purity.”

Both the Texas House and Senate are Republican-controlled, but state lawmakers have long been wary of increasing board influence. In 2011, the Texas Senate voted to expand the board’s veto power over classroom electronic materials. After the media called attention to the move, the Senate took the unusual step of returning hours later and amending its already passed legislatio­n to remove that expansion.

The House is expected to approve Seliger’s bill. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott hasn’t said if he’ll sign it, but it will automatica­lly become law after clearing the Legislatur­e unless he issues a veto. But even if it stalls, there’s another chance for it to become law.

Identical language has been attached to a separate bill otherwise requiring board-approved state instructio­nal materials to include “American principles.” That cleared the Senate on Friday, but hasn’t yet been scheduled for a House floor vote.

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