Texarkana Gazette

Remember to give Dad a hug today

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: Thank you! You have helped to make my every day more pleasant. I wanted to share with you and your readers one of my memories. My father would escort my sisters and me each week to a Saturday dance; we were not permitted to go alone.

We were a very happy family of 12— yes, 12!—children. Those were the days.— Maxine G., Simi Valley, Calif.

Yes, aren’t dads wonderful? Tomorrow is Father’s Day, a day to remember Dad and appreciate everything he’s done for us and for the family.

Make it special by preparing him a nice meal and giving him a big hug.

Remember Dad tomorrow with a small gift. And if your dad is no longer with you, take a moment to remember him.—Heloise

PET PAL Dear Readers: Beth D. in Pittsburgh shared two pictures of her adorable black pug, Fergus, “helping” her with her ironing. He is lying on the clothes, thereby pressing them!

To see Fergus and our other Pet Pals, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.”

Do you have a funny, faithful furry friend? Share a picture! Email Heloise@Heloise.com. —Heloise

BIG BOX Dear Heloise: I purchased a large storage container for $5— the type that you would slide under your bed to store sweaters, etc.—to use as a roomier litter box. Regular cat boxes are much more expensive, and this helps to keep more litter in the box.—Linda in Arkansas

Be sure to still scoop daily, and scrub often, too.— Heloise

AVOID FALLING Dear Heloise: As we age, we are constantly reminded to take precaution­s to avoid falling. Here are two that I think could be good reminders and practices to adhere to:

Never walk away from the dishwasher leaving the bottom rack open. With an open-room concept, dishwasher­s often are located at the corner of the kitchen and easily can be walked into. If you must leave the dishwasher open, be sure to also leave the top rack pulled out. This is easy to see and will avoid a fall.

This seems like common sense, but always pause for a very brief moment before going down stairs, and use the handrail. It takes only a moment to misstep on that first step and fall.

I enjoy your column every day, and hope these tips can help someone to pause, think and avoid a fall.—Lainie in New Hampshire

PIPE DREAM Dear Heloise: I have found that pipe cleaners, located in the crafts section, are inexpensiv­e and useful for so many things around the house. I use them to tie extension cords, lights, craft projects, etc.

A package of assorted colors usually is around $1 and can be used to mark all those various cords in one’s office area. They can be cut easily to the needed size and are so easy to untwist as needed.—Wendy S., Mexia, Texas

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