Texarkana Gazette

Cheers & Jeers


CHEERS: To Greg King, Debi Pound, Arklatex Rescue, Texarkana Animal League and many volunteers who helped in the search and rescue of the dog “Cheeto” who had a plastic jar stuck on his head and was unable to eat or drink. He had been spotted for a few weeks at Wamba, Texas, and was finally caught and taken to Pleasant Grove Animal Hospital, where he is expected to make a full recovery after extensive care.— C.H., Texarkana, Texas

CHEERS: I agree 100 percent with Mr. Joe Kilgore’s letter to the editor recently on capital punishment. I have over the years enjoyed Mr. Kilgore’s letters on different subjects. He seems to say in writing what a vast majority of us feel but so many of us lack his “tell it like it is” approach. He doesn’t worry about being politicall­y correct. Mr. Kilgore, I will be waiting to see what subject you write on next. Thanks for expressing your honest feelings.—F.J., Texarkana, Texas

JEERS: To the June 20 Carl Hiassen column making fun of conceal carry in light of the shooting of GOP lawmakers in Virginia. Funny how liberals can find humor in the most bizarre places. Will the “fair and balanced” Gazette be publishing a pro-conceal carry column?—S.K., Texarkana, Texas

JEERS: Carl Hiassen is an idiot and you are too for publishing these kind of articles in Northeast Texas. Anybody with half a brain knows they would not have had guns on them while practicing but as he said toward the end of the story that they could have had them close by. He said though that you would have to be a “Jason Bourne” to stop the gunman. So since he was running on about different scenarios what about the scenario that there were no capital police there. It would have been a slaughter with no way to defend themselves! He needs to sell that garbage in the northeast where people don’t know any better.—G.L., Atlanta, Texas

CHEERS: To the Rotary Club and businesses along Richmond Rd. north of I-30 for the wonderful display of American flags. It makes me proud, my eyes to tear up, and puts a big smile on my face.—L.M., Tearkana, Texas

Cheers and Jeers are published each Saturday on the Opinion Page of the Texarkana Gazette.

Cheers and Jeers must be limited to 100 words or less, and may be edited for length and legal considerat­ions. No personal attacks, business/ commercial, or consumer complaint Cheers or Jeers will be printed.

You may submit your Cheers and Jeers to us at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504; by fax at (903) 794-3315; by e-mail at opinion@ texarkanag­azette.com; or by dropping it off at our office, 101 East Broad St, Texarkana, Ark. Deadline for Saturday publicatio­n is noon Wednesday.

Although only initials and the city and state are printed with each entry, we require each Cheer and Jeer to include the writer’s name, address, telephone number and signature. Submission­s become the property of the Texarkana Gazette.

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