Texarkana Gazette

FDA turns back clock on a healthier food environmen­t

- Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your healthiest, tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit www. sharecare.com.

If knowledge is power, then offering consumers informatio­n about what’s in their food supply is clearly a powerful way to improve the health of the nation—physically and economical­ly. But several nutrition-related decisions lately have reduced your power to make informed decisions about the health of YOU and YOUR FAMILY, as well as the financial health of the country. We give the new Food and Drug Administra­tion director a grade of “F” for what he’s doing for you and the quality of your food. To counter the devastatio­n current policy changes can trigger, it’s become even more of your responsibi­lity to spot the hidden minefields in your food supply and to make informed decisions about keeping you and your family healthy.


Last year the FDA establishe­d a new food labeling regulation; the deadline for implementa­tion was set for July 26, 2018. The new regulation called for a nutrition label that made it easier to see calories-per-serving info and, for the first time, it would let you know how much added sugar you’re getting in every serving. Unfortunat­ely, it was recently announced that implementa­tion of the regulation is suspended indefinite­ly. That’s a bad mark on the newly appointed FDA director and a sad day for America.


No. 1: One study found that for Americans to return to the pre-obesity-epidemic weights of the 1970s, kids would have to cut 350 calories from their daily diet; adults 500. The label changes would help YOU be more conscious of portion size and calorie counts, so you can eliminate empty-fat-creating calories and aim for 7 to 9 daily servings of fresh fruit and veggies.

No. 2: Americans eat about 67 pounds of added sugar annually. Knowing how much added sugar you’re eating can help you say “no” to foods that come with sugar bombs. It also might encourage food companies to reduce the amount they pump into their products.

No. 3: The price tag for obesity and excess sugar consumptio­n is staggering: In 2016, health care costs for obesity alone racked up $150 billion, while excess sugar consumptio­n bodyslamme­d that number, jacking our annual health care system costs by $1 trillion.

Your Move: Now more than ever, you need to assume responsibi­lity for understand­ing what’s in your food so you can avoid highly processed foods and opt for fresh, whole foods. New research shows that eating just two and a half servings of fruits and veggies is associated with a 4 percent reduction in risk of cancer and a 15 percent reduction in the risk of premature death. Eating 10 portions (1.76 pounds) daily of fruits and veggies is associated with a:

24 percent reduced risk of heart disease.

33 percent reduced risk of stroke.

28 percent reduced risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.

13 percent reduced risk of cancer.

31 percent reduction in premature death.


This May 4, one day before chain restaurant­s would have been required to post calorie counts on their menus, the FDA suspended the implementa­tion for another year. Another sad day for America and another black mark on the FDA.

Why this matters: Average Americans consume 33 percent of calories away from home, and usually underestim­ate how many they’re taking in. Putting the info clearly on the menu would shatter false assumption­s.

Your Move: When eating out, stick with the simplest preparatio­ns of dishes; you’ll get fewer hidden ingredient­s loaded with calories, fats and sugars. Ask about ingredient­s before ordering. Get sauces and dressings on the side. Cook more at home.



There also are rollbacks on school lunch quality: No more added veggies in school lunches, and there’s been a reduction in the required amount of whole-grain foods.

We Gotta Ask: If implementi­ng and strengthen­ing just a few regulation­s could save thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, why wouldn’t you want to do that? Ask the FDA director.

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