Texarkana Gazette

Mother to be deported after check-in with ICE

- By Kate Morrissey

SAN DIEGO—A single mother who was previously allowed to stay in the country as long as she checked in with immigratio­n officials every year is going to be deported on Thursday, according to Assemblywo­man Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher’s office.

Silvia Ocampo Ortiz had a check-in meeting with immigratio­n officials last week and was detained after years of being permitted to stay, an increasing­ly familiar story under the Trump administra­tion. After hearing that Ocampo would be deported, Gonzalez Fletcher’s office and Unite Here Local 30, the hotel workers union that Ocampo joined in 2000, began rallying the San Diego community to her defense.

“Deporting Silvia Ocampo is heartless and sickening,” Gonzalez Fletcher said. “She is a hard-working, tax-paying member of this community and she has two children who are U.S. citizens, including an 8-year-old daughter with special needs. What will happen to her kids after their mother is deported? Are we now a country that takes relish in separating parents from children? I’m absolutely devastated and horrified.”

Ocampo came to the U.S. about 24 years ago with her husband and their small child, according to a bio from Unite Here Local 30.

She had three more children in the U.S. Two of them are still minors, and the youngest, her 8-year-old daughter, has a learning disability. According to Unite Here Local 30, Ocampo is crucial support in her daughter’s life.

“As of today, her daughter is still unaware where her mother is, and it is affecting her at school and missing her at home,” the bio from Unite Here Local 30 says.

After immigratio­n officials became aware of Ocampo’s immigratio­n status, they permitted her to stay in the U.S. to take care of her daughter, who is a U.S. citizen, because of her daughter’s special needs.

Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t was not able to comment in time for publicatio­n.

In 2009, Ocampo and her husband were charged with perjury relating to their driver’s license applicatio­ns, according to the union. The California law allowing unauthoriz­ed immigrants to get driver’s licenses was still a few years away. On advice from her lawyer, Ocampo pleaded guilty, not knowing what that felony could mean for her in the immigratio­n system, the union bio says.

Her husband was deported, leaving her pregnant with their daughter. Since then, Ocampo has raised the family on her own.

Ocampo had yearly check-ins with immigratio­n officials. When she went for her appointmen­t in July, they told her to come back in three months instead of a year. When she showed up on Wednesday last week, she was taken to Otay Mesa Detention Center.

She has tried over the years to appeal her conviction, and she has a court date at the end of October to try to reopen her criminal case, the union said.

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