Texarkana Gazette

Two top U.S. officials pledge more help for struggling Puerto Rico


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico—Two U.S. Cabinet secretarie­s visited Puerto Rico on Tuesday and promised to speed up recovery efforts and increase federal assistance for an island struggling nearly three months after Hurricane Maria.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said officials talked about areas “where things are not moving as quickly as they could,” speaking during a one-day trip to the U.S. territory with Housing and Urban Developmen­t Secretary Ben Carson.

Nielsen said federal officials will look into how to help get more supplies to Puerto Rico to speed up power restoratio­n as well as provide federal assistance more quickly and possibly open more recovery centers across the island.

She noted that the number of people who registered for financial assistance in Puerto Rico after the Category 4 storm is greater than all those from hurricanes Katrina, Irma and Sandy combined. On Sept. 20, Maria ripped across the island with winds of up to 154 mph, killing dozens of people and causing damages estimated at up to $95 billion.

“This was an unpreceden­ted storm,” Nielsen said. “We will not rest until the families here are back in their repaired homes, until parents are back at work, children are back at school and communitie­s are back to life.”

Nielsen and Carson did not visit any areas affected by the storm and instead met with local and federal officials to talk about the recovery process that many Puerto Ricans have complained has been inadequate and slow.

Power generation is at 65 percent of normal, with nine of Puerto Rico’s 78 municipali­ties still completely in the dark, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has estimated power will not be fully restored across Puerto Rico until May, more than eight months after the hurricane hit. In addition, more than 200,000 homes were damaged and more than 30,000 people have lost their jobs, sparking an exodus of more than 200,000 people to Florida alone.

Federal officials said they would focus recovery efforts on power restoratio­n and housing, with Carson pledging to do what is needed to help Puerto Rico get back on its feet. He said his agency is considerin­g practical steps to get people back into their homes, such as moving them into the first floor while the second floor is being repaired.

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