Texarkana Gazette

Texas-side council to take up water issues Monday

- By Karl Richter On Twitter: @RealKarlRi­chter

Several water-related issues are among the agenda highlights for Monday’s regular meeting of the Texarkana, Texas, City Council.

The council will again take up a joint resolution that would delegate some authority regarding new water supply infrastruc­ture at Wright Patman Lake.

The resolution would authorize Riverbend Water Resources District Director and CEO Liz Fazio-Hale to apply for government permits for new constructi­on at the lake.

The council tabled the resolution at its last meeting and held a workshop meeting on it a week later.

It is up for a vote without further discussion Monday.

Also up for immediate votes are a pair of contracts totaling more than $412,000 for new filter basin troughs and filter media for the Wright Patman water treatment plant.

The council is also fast-tracking votes on four street maintenanc­e contracts: for street reconstruc­tion, 1-inch overlay paving, concrete replacemen­t and seal coating, respective­ly.

Several public hearings on planning and zoning issues are on the agenda, including:

■ rezoning a tract in the 6800 block of Richmond Road from Single Family-1 to Single Family-2;

■ rezoning a tract at 3102 New Boston Road from General Retail to Planned Developmen­t-Commercial;

■ granting a special use permit to allow a residentia­l treatment center for women at 1217 Hazel St.;

■ revoking the previous special use permit for 1217 Hazel, which allowed a treatment center for psychiatri­c, alcoholic and narcotic patients;

■ rezoning lots at 2107 W. 14th St. from Multiple Family-1 to Single Family-3;

■ rezoning a lot in the 3700 block of Trotter Lane from Two Family-2 to Multiple Family-1; and

■ granting a specific use permit to allow a double-wide manufactur­ed home at 2107 W. 14th St.

There will also be a public hearing on a change to city rules on property liens.

The proposed amendment would delete this language in the ordinance: “If the property owner agrees to transfer ownership of the property to the city and the city takes ownership of the property, then the city may waive expenses incurred for the demolition of a building or structure or otherwise bringing the building or property into compliance with city ordinance.”

The language dates to a time when the city had federal funds to pay for demolition of substandar­d structures, and those funds are no longer available, Executive Director of Inspection and Code Mashell Daniel explained during the last council meeting.

The agenda includes a public forum during which members of the public may address the council on any topic for up to five minutes each.

The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday at City Hall, 220 Texas Blvd.

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