Texarkana Gazette

Woman with anxiety disability is target of public skepticism


Dear Abby: I can’t drive. It’s not because I don’t want to, but whenever I sit behind the wheel, I have panic attacks. I’m curre n t ly attending therapy for it, and progress is being made, albeit slowly.

The problem is, when I try to explain that I suffer from GAD (generalize­d anxiety disorder), which affects my ability to learn to drive and sometimes just function day to day, I get a raised eyebrow and a “Well you look fine to me.” I feel like I’m in a loselose situation when the subject of my disability comes up. I’m not ashamed of it, but it’s frustratin­g to be regarded as either lazy or a liar because I don’t “look” disabled and I’m not “disabled enough” to apply for disability. How do I handle this?—Elaine in Colorado

Dear Elaine: You look fine because you have what is called a hidden disability. You do not have to discuss it in casual conversati­on. If someone asks you to drive, explain that you can’t because panic attacks prevent it, but you are “working on getting it resolved.” If someone implies that you are lazy or a liar, reveal that you are in therapy to address it IF YOU CHOOSE. If that doesn’t shut the ignorant person up, keep your distance.

Dear Abby: I am a 16-yearold girl who has been having a hard time moving on since I was sexually assaulted. Although it was four years ago, it has conflicted with my current and past relationsh­ips because I tell guys I’m not ready for anything like that yet. They know what happened and keep trying to push me to move on from my fear. Please tell me what to do.—Not Ready in Idaho

Dear Not Ready: You are smart not to have allowed yourself to be “persuaded” into doing anything you don’t feel ready for. I’m sorry you didn’t mention whether you received counseling after the assault. If you didn’t, you would benefit from discussing what happened to you with someone trained to help victims of the kind of trauma you have experience­d. R.A.I.N.N. (the Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) can help you to locate a rape treatment center in your area. Either call 800-6564673 or go to rainn.org and they will give you the informatio­n you need. Please don’t put it off.

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