Texarkana Gazette

Radon test before you move into your house

- By Michael Roizen, M.D., and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Drs. Oz & Roizen

Q: What is radon? We’re looking to buy a house, and I hear that I should know about it.—Jeremy K., Minneapoli­s


You heard right, Jeremy. Radon is a natura l ly occurring radioactiv­e gas that is emitted from rocks and dirt. It’s produced from the decay of uranium found in nearly all soils. Undetectab­le by taste, sight or smell, radon exposure is most dangerous when it concentrat­es indoors. When inhaled, it can damage your lungs.

It’s estimated that for about 20 percent of all lung cancer patients (those who have never smoked), overexposu­re to radon is the cause. In the U.S., it’s estimated that around 20,000 cases of lung cancer deaths annually are caused by radon.

One out of every 15 houses in suburban America is thought to have unacceptab­ly high radon levels. It can be in your home whether it’s old or new, well sealed or drafty, with or without a basement. The good news is that it can be removed by installing a vent, but you first need to test for it.

Everyone should have levels in their home tested once, then again after remediatio­n, if it is needed—and certainly before moving into a new residence. Minnesotan­s are at a slightly higher risk of radon exposure than people in other states in the U.S., so Jeremy, you should contact the Minnesota Department of Health at health.state. mn.us and have your home tested. Anyone can go to the Environmen­tal Protection Agency’s website (epa.gov) to find a test kit or to hire a profession­al to come to their home and do the test.

The test consists of placing a sensor in the home, usually in your basement, for three to 90 days, then either sending it to a lab or having your profession­al tester come back and read the results. The test can run around $250, and a remedial venting system can run from $800 to $1,500,—a small price to pay (or have the seller pay) for your family’s long-term health.

Q: I’m thinking about going on a paleo diet. I know it’s high in protein, but is there a downside to it?—Carmen G., Indianapol­is


There are many downsides to that diet; the most glaring is that you end up eating a lot of saturated fat and inflammato­ry peptides like carnitine, lecithin and choline found in red meats (grassfed or otherwise), egg yolks and cheese. These change the bacteria in your gut, making them produce inflammato­ry stuff in your intestines. You then absorb that into your bloodstrea­m, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia, not to mention wrinkles and impotence. Plus, you’re eliminatin­g fiber- and polynutrie­nt-filled whole grains essential for the health of your gut biome. So unless your plan is to only live to about 35 years, may we suggest another route?

Homo sapiens started living longer when they switched to a plant-based diet that provides healthful poly- and monounsatu­rated fats. Plant fats are mostly long-chain fatty acids found in foods like avocados and walnuts that are also rich in polyphenol­s. If you want to eat animal proteins, we suggest salmon and sea trout: They get their omega-3 fatty acid content from the algae they eat!

The paleo diet does tell you to avoid trans fats, highly processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and excess sugar, and we agree. But if you’ve been reading our columns or books, or watching “The Dr. Oz Show,” you’d know we’re fans of the Mediterran­ean diet, which is plant-based with lots of olive oil and lean meat and fish used as small side dishes. A recent study found that people who had impaired glucose metabolism and ate fatty fish (with long-chain omega3 fatty acids), saw improvemen­t in their glucose metabolism and a boost in healthy HDL cholestero­l levels.

So stick with fish, skinless poultry and a plant-based diet, Carmen, and you’ll emerge from your cave a healthier, happier sapien.

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