Texarkana Gazette

Pence gives campaign-style speech to Southern Baptists

- By David Crary

Vice President Mike Pence gave an often boastful campaign-style speech Wednesday to the closing session of the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, winning several standing ovations even as some evangelica­ls criticized his appearance.

Pence repeatedly made clear that the SBC—the largest Protestant denomi-

nation in the U.S.—is viewed by him and President Donald Trump as a vital part of their conservati­ve base heading into the midterm elections. He called the SBC “one of the greatest forces for good anywhere in America.”

Pence devoted much of his speech to touting the Trump’s administra­tion’s achievemen­ts since taking office.

He enthused about Trump’s meeting this week with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and received a big ovation by mentioning the relocation of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem—a longstandi­ng goal of many U.S. evangelica­ls.

Pence drew more loud applause when he declared Trump “the most pro-life president in American history” and noted that he has appointed many conservati­ves to federal judgeships.

While most of the crowd of roughly 10,000 at the convention in Dallas seemed pleased with Pence’s speech, some audience members could be seen sitting with their arms folded during the ovations.

On Tuesday, as the annual meeting opened, one delegate from Virginia introduced a

motion asking that the invitation to Pence be withdrawn and replaced by a time for prayer. Other delegates proposed that the SBC adopt a new policy to avoid speeches by politician­s at future annual meetings. But those proposals were defeated or sidetracke­d.

The Rev. Wade Burleson, an outspoken Baptist pastor from Enid, Okla., alluded to those concerns in a tweet.

“The SBC is changing,” Burleson tweeted. “More than a few voiced their objections to politician­s, even strong Christians like Mike Pence, speaking to the SBC. It’s always wise to keep the Gospel a priority.”

There was strong criticism from Michael Wear, a Washington-based consultant who led evangelica­l outreach while in President Barack Obama’s White House office of faith-based initiative­s.

“I am saddened Pence wld be so triumphali­stic, so unabashed, so jingoistic,” Wear tweeted. “I’m more saddened that there would be people in the audience, messengers of the gospel (unless they’re outside guests), who would so revel in rubbing their politics in the faces of their brothers & sisters.”

Aside from Pence’s speech, the most sensitive issue confrontin­g the annual meeting related to multiple recent

cases of sexual misconduct within the SBC community— ensuing discussion about the role of women in a denominati­on with a doctrine of male leadership in the church and in the home.

On Tuesday, with little opposition, delegates adopted resolution­s condemning any sexual misconduct by SBC ministers, urging more action to prevent “all forms of abuse,” and encouragin­g victims to contact civil authoritie­s to seek protection and support.

On Wednesday, the issue resurfaced when Jeffrey Bingham, interim president of Southweste­rn Baptist Theologica­l Seminary, delivered the seminary’s annual report, including an update on events surroundin­g the terminatio­n of former President Paige Patterson.

One of the SBC’s most prominent figures, Patterson was ousted because of his response to two rape allegation­s made years apart by students. He also was accused of making improper remarks about a teenage girl’s body and contending that women who are in abusive relationsh­ips should almost always stay with their husbands.

Bingham said his goal is “to create a safe environmen­t and a campus culture that protects and cares for the victims of abuse.”

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