Texarkana Gazette



October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, an initiative of the Heart Rhythm Society to raise awareness of SCA.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest claims a life every couple of minutes, more than 350,000 SCA deaths a year.

“Ninety-five percent of those who experience SCA die because they do not receive life-saving defibrilla­tion within four to six minutes, before brain and permanent death start to occur,” according to the Heart Rhythm Society website.

If SCA is is suspected, the HRS recommends the following steps:

Know the signs of sudden cardiac arrest and react quickly. SCA strikes immediatel­y and without warning. Victims will collapse or fall to the ground, become unresponsi­ve and will not breathe normally if at all.

Call 911 as soon as possible.

Start CPR as quickly as possible. For people who don’t know CPR, it’s recommende­d they conduct hands-only CPR, which means doing chest compressio­ns by pushing hard and fast in the middle of the victim’s chest with minimal interrupti­ons at approximat­ely 100 beats per minute.

Use an automated external defibrilla­tor as soon as possible if available. AEDs are a computeriz­ed medical device that can determine a person’s heart rhythm and recognize and deliver a shock the heart needs. AEDs are increasing­ly available at public locations such as gyms, airports, schools, malls and office buildings. Ninetyfive percent of people who experience SCA die because they do not receive life-saving defibrilla­tion within four to six minutes.

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