Texarkana Gazette



Voting 51 for and 49 against, the Senate on Oct. 5 agreed to a motion that would invoke cloture, or limit debate, on the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, 53, of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, as an associate justice on the Supreme Court. This advanced the nomination to a final vote that was likely to occur the next day following up to 30 hours of additional debate.

David Perdue, R-Ga., said: “The presumptio­n of innocence is sacred. An individual here is innocent until proven guilty. That is part of what makes our country so exceptiona­l. Unfortunat­ely, Senate Democrats have become so far removed from getting to the truth that they will stop at nothing to delay this Supreme Court confirmati­on. That is all this week is about. It is another delay.”

Patty Murray, D-Wash., said: “Like so many people watching last week`s (Judiciary Committee) hearing, I was shocked by Judge Kavanaugh`s raw anger, his rage, disrespect, sense of entitlemen­t and sneering condescens­ion.I cannot imagine any senator seeing what we saw in that hearing, watching a nominee make a display like that, and thinking this person is fit to serve as an impartial judge on our nation`s highest court.”

A yes vote was to advance the Kavanaugh nomination. ARKANSAS

Voting yes: Tom Cotton, R, John Boozman, R


Voting yes: John Cornyn, R, Ted Cruz, R

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