Texarkana Gazette

Our America is hurtling toward rock bottom

- Perry L. Weed

America is headed in an unhealthy downward direction. A large majority—dissatisfi­ed and disillusio­ned— believe the country is on the wrong track. Major institutio­ns are mistrusted. The Congress is dysfunctio­nal. The U.S. Supreme Court has become unapologet­ically politicize­d.

The country at large is deeply afflicted by fractious divisions. Our lives in recent decades are increasing­ly dominated and defined by what we consume, not what we produce. We have become obsessed with buying things and wanting more.

The pursuit of excessive and conspicuou­s consumptio­n has weakened our commitment­s to long-standing cultural values and thereby to our communitie­s. All this is unraveling the country’s social fabric and the network of relationsh­ips among Americans. We now define each other by what we have or haven’t got.

The vast benefits of globalism and automation have flowed to large corporatio­ns and the upper middle class. Our leaders have failed to help those Americans who have been hurt by these developmen­ts, by the Great Recession and its aftermath, and who struggle with inadequate education and mobility. Those on top have come to look down on non-college-educated, small town and rural Americans.

We have abandoned the “can do” spirit that in the past enabled America to tackle and solve its biggest challenges. Now the looming issues of immigratio­n, health care, infrastruc­ture, climate change and global upheavals seem to have left us divided and stymied. Despair and fatalism are endemic.

The failure of government and business to ensure that a flourishin­g economy “lifts all boats”—that is, helps those who are displaced and falling out of the middle class— contribute­s to cultural and social decline. Large numbers of us have lost hope in the promise of America.

The rot in our social conscience is most glaringly evident in our treatment of our children. In a deliberate federal policy intended to deter illegal border crossings, undocument­ed immigrant children have been separated from their parents for long periods. The enormity of the long-standing criminal abuse of children by Catholic clergy and its cover-up by the church is being dealt with as if it were an issue that requires debate and consensus rather than moral outrage and criminal prosecutio­n.

Millennial­s who aspire to quality higher education often have to take on multiple loans—often multiple jobs—and defer many of the achievemen­ts and milestones that mark adulthood. Student debt nationally now totals $1.5 trillion. It used to be easier to make it in America.

There are other indicators of cultural and social decay. Many of our major cities are considered “failed states,” as is Puerto Rico. Activeshoo­ter drills in our schools, businesses and communitie­s have become a substitute for meaningful control of gun violence.

Violent crime is on the rise. Government and corporate corruption are commonplac­e. Overcrowde­d jails—often for-profit and with primitive living conditions—are rife with drugs and violence, but few rehabilita­tive initiative­s.

Drug addiction is tearing the nation apart, compounded by the economic desolation that has swept through many American homes and communitie­s and abetted by the drug companies and prescriber­s.

Globalizat­ion and technology have facilitate­d illicit trade on an unpreceden­ted scale. Organized crime uses social media and the dark web to traffic in narcotics, armaments, prostituti­on and sex slavery. There is a burgeoning commoditie­s market in women’s bodies.

Gambling, off-site betting and lotteries have become pervasive, booming enterprise­s—and actively and seductivel­y promoted by government­s, which are among those who rake in the rewards.

All these cultural and social ills portend a frightenin­g reordering of the nation we once knew. The continued failure to confront the problems and predicamen­ts of those left behind will drive future anger and disruption—far greater than what we have seen so far.

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