Texarkana Gazette

Elections still a wreck


After more than two centuries of democracy, America is still having difficulty counting votes—in certain places, anyway. Many precincts managed the Nov. 6 election smoothly. Orange County, California, for instance, home to a handful of tightly contested congressio­nal races, did the job largely without drama. But others experience­d inexcusabl­y long lines and sketchy standards of administra­tion.

Then there’s Florida. Despite the trauma it inflicted on the nation in 2000, this swing state, accustomed to narrow margins of victory, was again unprepared. Officials from Governor Rick Scott, who was elected to the U.S. Senate, down to Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes proved themselves unready and incompeten­t.

The U.S. electorate seems likely to be closely divided for the foreseeabl­e future. Elections will be hardfought, and passions intense. Leaving these voting-system defects unrepaired is a grave mistake. But exploiting them for partisan advantage, casting doubt on the legitimacy of the electoral process, is worse. Elections need to be better run—and when problems arise, voters need to hold politician­s to a higher standard of conduct.

Better election administra­tion shouldn’t be difficult. The design of the ballot in Broward ignored guidelines recommende­d by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. A needlessly confusing layout helps explain why thousands of voters expressed no preference on the Senate race even as they voted in other contests. Multiple Florida counties missed a recount deadline, including nearby Palm Beach, where voting machines overheated. Elsewhere, voters complained of having to fight to keep their votes from being discarded or of being denied permission to vote.

For starters, partisans shouldn’t oversee elections. Republican secretarie­s of state in Georgia and Kansas ran for governor this year. Neither thought it necessary to recuse himself from supervisin­g his own race. Credible charges of partisan vote suppressio­n emerged in both states.

Nonpartisa­n state-redistrict­ing commission­s are starting to catch on, which is good. Michigan, for example, adopted one in a referendum this month. Nonpartisa­n election administra­tors are needed as well.

Technology upgrades are also overdue. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, in the 2018 election, 41 states relied on election systems that are at least a decade old; 13 are using voting machines that don’t produce a paper backup. In the event of machine failure, cyberattac­k or other problems, there may be no way to verify the vote count.

But persistent mismanagem­ent and inadequate voting systems aren’t the only threats to elections. Another is the current outbreak of partisan demagoguer­y. Shouting “vote fraud” in a democracy is akin to shouting “fire” in a crowded theater: Given the damage it can do, you’d better mean it.

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