Texarkana Gazette

Your toddler does not need an iPad

- Mr. Dad (Read Armin Brott’s blog at DadSoup.com, follow him on Twitter, @mrdad, or send email to armin@mrdad.com.)

Dear Mr. Dad: The holidays are just around the corner and I’m thinking of giving my 18-month-old my old iPad. She loves playing with it and I think she should have her own. My husband disagrees. What do you think?

A: I’d hold off for a while. There’s a lot of informatio­n out there on technology’s effect on children, but very little on toddlers as young as yours. What there is, however, paints a pretty grim picture. Here are the arguments in favor and against.

Pro No.1: Our children see us interactin­g with screens in every aspect of our lives. Those who don’t have superior tech skills will be at a disadvanta­ge as they grow up.

Con No.1: Children are being pushed to grow up too quickly. What they need is time to relax, enjoy life, and be a child. The research is clear: young children learn everything better by interactin­g with their parents than from a machine. They also need to physically interact with their world, something they can’t do with 2D images on a phone or tablet.

Pro No.2: It’s only for a few minutes at a time. What harm could there be in that?

Con No.2: Researcher Karin Archer found that 62 percent of children under one year old and 89 percent of children under 2 1/2 had been introduced to at least one mobile device. Pediatrici­an Catherine Birken and her colleagues found that 20 percent of children younger than 18 months were using handheld devices an average of 28 minutes per day. They also found that the more time a child spent on a device, the higher the risk of an “expressive speech delay,” meaning that they have trouble using words and language.

Pro No.3: Although computers and tablets aren’t nearly as social as reading, phone- and tablet-based apps are far more interactiv­e than television. Children as young as a year can use computers to learn shapes, colors, numbers and opposites, and many apps offer opportunit­ies for creativity, without all the mess of finger paints. 2D images are also safer, because they can’t be put in the mouth or swallowed.

Con No.3: First, children under about 2 1/2 aren’t old enough to be able to understand the symbolic nature of what’s on the screen, in other words, that the 2D image of a dog is not a real dog.

Second, children under about 30 months don’t have the physical dexterity to easily manipulate objects on screen. Clicking and applying consistent pressure to drag and drop, for example, is a pretty complicate­d act.

Third, toddlers learn by actively engaging the world: touching, feeling, pushing, pulling, throwing, tasting, and so on. 2D images don’t allow children to learn about an object’s weight, texture, and how it looks from a variety of angles. In addition, dragging and dropping blocks to make a tower on a screen is very different from actually trying to balance blocks on top of each other.

Pro No.4: Apps are colorful and engaging and children love ‘em. And it keeps them from getting bored.

Con No.4: No child this age should be getting bored. The world and everything in it is new and exciting. App use in moderation shouldn’t be a problem. However, too many parents don’t supervise their children’s mobile device usage or impose adequate time restrictio­ns. As a result, too many children are spending time on a screen when they should be running around. It’s no coincidenc­e that rates of obesity and overweight are rising, even among infants and toddlers.

I’ve also heard from several pediatrici­ans that some of their young patients who spend a lot of time on devices have poorer fine motor skills and muscle tone than their less digitally savvy patients. And doctors in England’s National Health Service are reporting that many children are starting preschool without the hand strength and dexterity to hold a pencil. They blame overuse of touchscree­n devices.

I think the evidence here is pretty clear: toddlers and tech don’t belong together, at least not for a while. That said, I know a lot of readers disagree. So next week, we’ll talk about how to safely introduce your toddler to tech.

 ?? Tribune News Service ?? ■ An 18-month-old probably doesn’t need his own iPad.
Tribune News Service ■ An 18-month-old probably doesn’t need his own iPad.
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