Texarkana Gazette

Feeling unfocused? Your brain may be phone-fried

- By Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. (c) 2018 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D.

In “The Big Bang Theory,” Mrs. Wolowitz (Carol Ann Susi) was her own wide-area network. Take this exchange, shouted from a corner of the house we never see: “Howard, it’s the phone.”

Howard: “I know it’s the phone, Ma. I can hear the phone.”

Mrs. Wolowitz: “Well who’s calling at this ungodly hour?” Howard: “I don’t know.” Mrs. Wolowitz: “Well ask them why they’re calling at this ungodly hour.”

Howard: “How can I ask them when I’m talking to you?”

That kind of phone notificati­on can melt the brain circuits of even the most devoted child. But it turns out phone notificati­ons of all kinds—buzzes, vibrations, melodious jingles and rings—are brain-erasing as well. A study in the Journal of Experiment­al Psychology: Human Perception and Performanc­e found that if you’re trying to focus on a task and your phone notifies you of an incoming message, it doesn’t matter if you respond or ignore it. Either way, it breaks your concentrat­ion and lowers your ability to think clearly.

Dr. Mike’s Cleveland Clinic advises you take notice of this study and take steps to protect your brain power:

■ When concentrat­ing, turn off all notificati­ons. Better yet, turn off your phone.

■ Learn to leave your phone at home once in a while. It’s not a puppy that needs to be walked!

And build focus and concentrat­ion by practicing mindful meditation 10 minutes daily. Download the Clinic’s free Stress-Free Now iOS app at the AppStore or Insight Timer, free for Android at the Google Play store.

Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your healthiest, tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit sharecare.com.

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