Texarkana Gazette

Rethink that cold brew

Hot coffee might be better for your health

- By Mari A. Schaefer

Those claims that cold-brew coffee will cause less heartburn and is healthier than hot brew? They may be exaggerate­d.

Two overly caffeinate­d researcher­s from Jefferson University (the merged Philadelph­ia University and Thomas Jefferson University) decided to put the claims to the test and investigat­e the acidity and antioxidan­t activity of cold-brew coffee. The paper by Niny Rao, an associate professor of chemistry, and Megan Fuller, an assistant professor of chemistry, was published in Scientific Reports.

When looking at acidity, the researcher­s found that the pH levels of both brews were similar and ranged between 4.85 and 5.13 after they tested samples for all the varieties in their study. The higher the pH, the less acidic the brew, and the less likely it would be to cause an upset stomach.

They also found that hot coffee had more beneficial antioxidan­ts than cold brew.

Inspiratio­n for the study came from personal experience.

Rao tried to make a batch of coldbrew coffee at home and brought it to work.

“It did not turn out as well as it could be,” she said.

After some discussion in the lab about the industry's marketing efforts and finding there was no research behind the claims that cold brew is better—a big red flag—the pair initiated their study.

They tried to control as many variables as possible, including grind size, roast temperatur­es, and water chemistry, Fuller said.

They used six coffees from Brazil, Colombia, Myanmar, Mexico, and two regions of Ethiopia that were available locally, and looked for beans that were harvested within a very small area or region.

They were surprised by the results. “I thought the pHs would be more different,” said Fuller. “They were remarkably close.”

Fuller noted that the internet allows for the rapid sharing of ideas that are not necessaril­y valid. That sharing has proved to be a successful business model, though. The coldbrew market has shot up like a rocket, 580 percent from 2011 to 2016. It generated $38 million in 2017.

For the non-coffee drinkers among us, cold brew is made by steeping coarsely ground fresh coffee beans in cool water for an extended period of time. The grounds are then filtered out, using paper coffee filters, a French press, or another such method.

Hot coffee is usually made with water heated to between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit, using one to two tablespoon­s of ground coffee for every six ounces of water, according to the National Coffee Associatio­n. Iced coffee is made by pouring regular hot coffee that has cooled over ice.

The two researcher­s are big coffee connoisseu­rs.

Fuller's favorite coffee drink is an Americano with three shots of espresso from High Point Cafe, sometimes with milk and cocoa. Rao gets her organic Mexican medium-roast beans from Golden Valley Farms Coffee Roasters in West Chester and likes a small cup of lukewarm black coffee to start her day.

Next, the researcher­s will study how long you can safely store homemade cold brew in the refrigerat­or, Fuller said. Unlike store-bought varieties, it doesn't have preservati­ves.

“We are interested in looking at microbial population­s,” she said.

What should coffee drinkers do with the recent study results?

“Don't change your habits,” Fuller said. “You enjoy what you enjoy.”

Dec. 3—Movie and popcorn, door prize giveaway.

Dec. 4—12:30 p.m. quilting, knitting and crochet group.

Dec. 6—11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bramlett Bean & Cornbread-SWC; noon, Homestead Home Health Bingo.

Dec. 7—2:30 p.m. armchair yoga.

Dec. 11—12:30 p.m. quilting, knitting and crochet group.

Dec. 12—Center closed, join us for Senior Day Out from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Southwest Center, 3222 W. 7th St. Call for more info.

Dec. 13—noon The Villa Bingo.

Dec. 18—12:30 p.m. quilting, knitting and crochet group.

Dec. 20—11 a.m. December birthday party with gift, cake and ice cream.

Dec. 21—2:30 p.m. armchair yoga.

Dec. 24—Center Closed.

Dec. 25—Center Closed, Merry Christmas. Dec. 26—Center Closed.

Dec. 27—noon May’s Home Care Bingo. Jan. 1—Center Closed, Happy New Year.

Sign up for the AARP driving class to get a discount on auto insurance. TRAX offers transporta­tion for Texas seniors 60 and older to the center, to pay bills, buy groceries and to doctor appointmen­ts. Call 903-255-3530 for informatio­n.

Wanted players for board and card games 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily OR 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday—board and card games

10 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday,


10 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Early Morning Caffeine Booster.

10:10 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Armchair Aerobics.

Noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Bridge. 12:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday, Quilting Club.

12:30 p.m. Tuesday, knitting and crochet. 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Hula/belly dance class.

12:30 p.m. Wednesday, nail polishing.

1 p.m. Tuesday, Spades.

1 p.m. Thursday, Sing-A-Long.

2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Thursday, Line Dancing Class with Charlotte. $1 participat­ion fee

2:30 p.m. Tuesday, Canasta.

 ?? John Gastaldo/San Diego Union-Tribune/TNS ?? Cold-brewed coffee is poured in San Diego in a January 2016 file image. According to researcher­s, however, a hot brew of java might be the healhier option.
John Gastaldo/San Diego Union-Tribune/TNS Cold-brewed coffee is poured in San Diego in a January 2016 file image. According to researcher­s, however, a hot brew of java might be the healhier option.

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