Texarkana Gazette

Reality continues to leak from American life

- George Will

WASHINGTON—In 1994, the Clinton administra­tion decreed a bright shining future for education. Its Goals 2000 legislatio­n proclaimed that by that year America’s high school graduation rate would be 90 percent and American students would lead the world in math and science achievemen­ts. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., was unimpresse­d: “That will not happen.” It didn’t, to the surprise of no one with an inkling of reality’s viscosity.

Bill Clinton’s (then Congress’) goals, which Moynihan compared to the Soviet Union’s penchant for delusional grain quotas, illustrate­d what the senator called the “leakage of reality from American life.” Speaking of which:

Democrats, including many presidenti­al candidates, have endorsed something that makes Goals 2000 look like the soul of sobriety. The Green New Deal’s FAQ sheet says:

In 10 years America will have only non-carbon renewable energy. (Exxon Mobil plans to produce 25 percent more oil and gas in 2025 than in 2017.) By then, “every building in America” will be

environmen­tally retrofitte­d, “farting cows” (methane gas; say goodbye to hamburgers) will be on the way out, fast electric trains will make airplanes unnecessar­y, “every combustion-engine vehicle” will be gone (but relax: charging stations will be “everywhere”).

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, averse to government by arrested-developmen­t teenagers, dismissed the Green New Deal (GND) as a “suggestion.” Its enthusiast­s, buffeted by gales of derision, responded with gusts of dissemblin­g as implausibl­e as the GND: Their fact sheet was a mere draft, or a dirty trick (“doctored”), or something.

Do they know how the actual New Deal fared? Devoted to curing unemployme­nt, the unemployme­nt rate never fell below 14 percent until 1941, eight years into the New Deal, as America prepared for war. The 1937-38 “depression within the Depression” was the twentieth century’s third-worst recession.

The GND has no practical importance but much significan­ce. First, it underscore­s the rise of the politics of gestures that are as flamboyant as they are empty: Donald Trump has his wall, the left has its GND. Second, it reprises the progressiv­e desire to militarize everything but the military, to conscript everyone into vast collective undertakin­gs that supposedly justify vast excisions from personal liberty and the setting side of pesky constituti­onal impediment­s. See Franklin Roosevelt’s call in his first inaugural address for power “as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.”

Third, the GND reveals progressiv­es’ embrace of Trump’s political style, a stew of frivolity and mendacity.

The Wall Street Journal’s James Freeman notes that last year Elizabeth Warren said this on NBC:

“My mother and daddy were born and raised in Oklahoma. My daddy first saw my mother when they were both teenagers. He fell in love with this tall, quiet girl who played the piano. Head over heels. But his family was bitterly opposed to their relationsh­ip because she was part Native American. They eventually eloped.”

“Bitterly”? Because of the mother’s Native American “part”? Which could not have been much more than Warren’s still-hypothetic­al miniscule part? As Freeman writes: “If Native American ancestry was so distant on her mother’s side that the senator has never been able to name any native relatives—and even now her own DNA expert cannot rule out the possibilit­y that she has no such relatives at all—how would her father’s family have known enough to object?”

What explains Trump and his progressiv­e emulators? No doubt many things, but begin with the leakage of reality from American life.

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