Texarkana Gazette

In response



In response to your In Our View on Saturday, Jan. 16. The Democrats aren’t the only ones who “don’t have a clue.” What may I ask do they not have a clue about? In my opinion it is clear as a day in June that they do indeed have a clue, but are being called out by you because it is obviously different from yours.

I further find it puzzling that you harshly criticized them for their “junket” to San Juan during the government shutdown. What were they supposed to do had they remained at home? They had passed legislatio­n in the House, which Sen. McConnell refused to take up in the Senate with the “explanatio­n and justificat­ion” that the president would not sign. We, in theory, have three branches of government and that was not his call to make. I find it rather telling that you seem to know the itinerary and schedule of the Democrats, while Sen. McConnell during that time was missing in action. If you knew his whereabout­s, why did you not share that informatio­n with those searching for him?

With regards to the Democratic “junket” to Puerto Rico, there remains a legitimate need for our government to provide additional aid in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, as assistance to them is to date disproport­ionately slower as compared to other affected areas. While the president did finally visit, the image of him tossing paper towels to the citizenry remains mind boggling to me. I found it not only unhelpful, but insulting.

Regarding Secretary Ross, his comments and your response. You found it necessary to point out that the “critics were quick to jump on the comments.” You were just as quick to toss him a lifeline by saying “he surely didn’t mean it that way.” Really? Several questions come to mind. First of all how could you possibly know just how he meant it? Since your remarks imply that you do have such knowledge, share it with those of us who are less enlightene­d. What did he mean and how did he mean it?

People who do not have the humanity to identify with the common man should not be in public service, be he Democrat, Republican or independen­t. Finally it is time for all of us to move away from partisan Politics, political ideologies and personal preference­s. Stop lowering the bar, making excuses and get down to the business of solving the problems of this nation.

Floy Gulley Texarkana, Texas

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