Texarkana Gazette

Moment to shine

Something special about first workout for Rangers’ new manager Woodward

- By Stephen Hawkins

SURPRISE, Ariz.—Chris Woodward thinks long-term and appreciate­s the everyday grind of the game, having been a utility infielder over a dozen seasons and serving as a third base coach in the World Series each of the past two years.

Still, Woodward allowed himself to consider where he had come from to being a first-time manager when the Texas Rangers pitchers and catchers held their first workout of spring training Wednesday.

“There’s something special about it. To think, just kind of go back to my career, and I kind of mentioned that to the guys today,” Woodward said. “When you’ve been through so much as a player and then as a coach, just the ups and downs, you kind of start to look back and think about, ‘Man, this thing started when I was 18, could I be standing at this moment.’ … I’m going to enjoy it.”

Woodward’s daily spring training commute from his home in Chandler, Arizona, has gotten longer this spring—from about 40 minutes each way to a solid hour, extra time he uses to listen to more documentar­ies.

The 42-year-old Woodward has gone from being the third base coach for the two-time defending National League champion Los Angeles Dodgers to managing a Rangers team with a bunch of 20-something position players and a revamped rotation that is coming off consecutiv­e losing seasons for the first time in a decade. But he hasn’t changed his expectatio­ns.

“We’re building a championsh­ip mentality. Like that’s first and foremost. He didn’t hire me to finish third,” Woodward said, referring to general manager Jon Daniels standing beside him. “It’s lofty expectatio­n, but you have to start that belief right now. … We’ve got to give them the process, define it for them, help them understand it, and provide the atmosphere.”

Before opening camp, the Rangers had their most comprehens­ive organizati­on meeting in a dozen years, with about 190 people gathering together in a resort ballroom Monday. That is about three times as many people as typically attend their meeting at the start of spring training.

“Everybody in baseball operations,” Daniels said. “Stood up at the front of the room, and you realize the size of the operations. It’s large.”

There were about 55 people hired in the past 12 months among the group, including the manager who replaced Jeff Banister after last season.

“A variety of things. I think probably the biggest was to introduce some of the new people that are on board, and some of the things, the initiative­s that we’re focused on, and just communicat­ion throughout the organizati­on,” Daniels said. “It was a little bit of like looking to pull back the curtain and try to be as transparen­t as we can on what we’re doing, why we’re doing it.”

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