Texarkana Gazette

John Bolton exactly what Trump’s Iran policy needs


If there’s one thing Democrats and ayatollahs agree on these days, it’s that John Bolton is trying to start a war with Iran. President Donald Trump has said that he is open to negotiatio­ns and does not want a war, but his mustachioe­d national security adviser will not abide.

Popular as it may be in Washington, this theory has it backwards. Bolton’s antipathy toward Iran is wellknown and longstandi­ng, but the current administra­tion strategy is not aimed at starting a war with Iran. It’s designed to avoid one.

Neverthele­ss, the antiBolton theme has been the centerpiec­e of a public diplomacy campaign for Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. He consistent­ly derides what he calls the “B-team,” referring to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan and, of course, John Bolton. Zarif’s strategy is transparen­t: Blame Bolton to take the focus off Iran’s own escalation­s.

Many leading Democrats are on the same page. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, last week urged Trump to disregard Bolton’s counsel unless he wants “to stumble

into a new and devastatin­g military conflict.” Senator Bernie Sanders was even more alarmist, saying this week that Bolton wants to lie America into a war with Iran, just like he did with Iraq.

None of this is new. The Iranian regime, like the North Koreans and Venezuelan­s, has hated Bolton for years. As recently as 2015, Bolton openly advocated bombing Iran’s nuclear program, and before he joined the Trump administra­tion he accepted paid speaking gigs for an Iranian opposition group that has attacked regime targets. Democrats’ enmity toward Bolton also has deep roots, dating to 2005, when they derailed his nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations over accusation­s of hyping intelligen­ce and being mean to subordinat­es. For his part, Bolton seems to enjoy all the loathing. When he was undersecre­tary of state for arms control in the George W. Bush administra­tion, Bolton displayed in his office the framed front page of Iranian newspaper denouncing him.

But now he works for the Trump administra­tion, whose current Iran strategy is to bring a combinatio­n of crippling sanctions and diplomatic pressure to force the regime to dismantle its nuclear program and end its regional predations. Two senior State Department officials on Thursday told a small group of columnists there were no plans for an Iraq-style invasion. And they’re right. If there were, the White House would be working with Congress on a war resolution and establishi­ng a casus belli.

So what explains the recent flurry of public statements and military deployment? They are best seen as tools of deterrence, not aggression. This is the message Secretary of State Mike Pompeo communicat­ed to America’s European allies this week, when he asked them to use their channels to Tehran to urge the regime de-escalate.

Iran has historical­ly attacked U.S. targets with its proxies when it assesses it will not face direct military reprisals. Iran used proxy forces to lay roadside bombs during the U.S. war in Iraq, for example, because its judgment at the time was that Bush lacked the support, in Congress or with the public, to respond with a strike inside Iranian territory. (In retrospect, this assessment was correct.) When Iran believes the U.S. will use force, however, it backs off. Iran has not mined the Persian Gulf, despite occasional threats to do so, because the U.S demonstrat­ed three decades ago that it will destroy the Iranian navy if it tries.

This is where Bolton comes in: He’s kind of a oneman psychologi­cal warfare operation. If Iran’s leaders believe Trump’s advisers are trying to constrain him, they may assess they can get away with a proxy attack on U.S. positions. If they think Trump is trying to constrain his national security adviser, they may decide not to.

Of course, this strategy is fraught. As tensions rise, so does the risk of miscalcula­tion.

It’s fair to point out the risks. It’s irresponsi­ble to allege some kind of conspiracy to trick the U.S. into a war. It’s understand­able why Zarif would push this nonsense; less so is why any Democrat would.

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