Texarkana Gazette

Trump’s EPA shifts more environmen­tal enforcemen­t to states

- By Ellen Knickmeyer

BOKOSHE, Okla.—Susan Holmes’ home, corner store and roadside beef jerky stand are right off Oklahoma Highway 31, putting them in the path of trucks hauling ash and waste from a power plant that burns the high-sulfur coal mined near this small town.

For years, when Bokoshe residents were outside, the powdery ash blowing from the trucks and the ash dump on the edge of town would “kind of engulf you,” Holmes said. “They drove by, and you just couldn’t breathe.”

Over three decades, the ash dump grew into a hill five stories high. Townspeopl­e regard the Environmen­tal Protection Agency as the only source of serious environmen­tal enforcemen­t. Whenever people took their worries about ash-contaminat­ed air and water to state lawmakers and regulators, “none of them cared,” Holmes said.

So the residents of this 500-person town have nothing but bitter warnings for similarly situated communitie­s now that President Donald Trump’s EPA has approved Oklahoma to be the first state to take over permitting and enforcemen­t on coal-ash sites.

“They’re going to do absolutely nothing,” predicted Tim Tanksley, a rancher in Bokoshe, about 130 miles southeast of Tulsa in a Choctaw Nation coal patch that helped fuel the railroads.

Around the country, the EPA under Trump is delegating a widening range of public health and environmen­tal enforcemen­t to states, saying local officials know best how to deal with local problems. Critics contend federal regulators are making a dangerous retreat on enforcemen­t that puts people and the environmen­t at greater risk.

One administra­tion initiative would give states more authority over emissions from coal-fired power plants. Another would remove federal protection­s for millions of miles of waterways and wetlands.

Some states and counties say the EPA is also failing to act against threats from industrial polluters, including growing water contaminat­ion from a widely used class of nonstick industrial compounds. Michigan, New Jersey and some other states say they are tackling EPA-size challenges—like setting limits for the contaminan­ts in drinking water—while appealing to the real EPA to act.

In Houston’s oil and gas hub, local officials and residents say a lax EPA response to toxic spills during Hurricane Harvey left the public in the dark about health threats and handicappe­d efforts to hold companies responsibl­e for cleaning up.

Nationwide, EPA inspection­s, evaluation­s and enforcemen­t actions have fallen sharply over the past two years, some to the lowest points in decades, or in history.

The agency says environmen­tal enforcers remain on the job despite the plunging enforcemen­t numbers.

“There has been no retreat from working with states, communitie­s and regulated entities to ensure compliance with our environmen­tal laws,” said George Hull, the agency’s enforcemen­t spokesman.

“Through our deregulato­ry actions, the Trump administra­tion has proven that burdensome federal regulation­s are not necessary to drive environmen­tal progress,” EPA Director Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist, told lawmakers earlier this year.

Past EPA officials accuse the Trump administra­tion of pulling back on enforcemen­t of polluters and turning back the clock to a dirtier, more dangerous time.

“The reason that the ultimate authority to enforce the law was put into federal hands was because the states weren’t any good at it,” William Ruckelshau­s said.

Now 86, Ruckelshau­s served as the first administra­tor of the EPA in 1970, when President Richard Nixon created the agency amid a wave of public anger over contaminat­ed air and water. The previous year, the pollutant-slicked surface of Ohio’s Cuyahoga River caught fire for only the latest time, sending smoke billowing in downtown Cleveland.

Then and now, some states lack the resources and legal authority to police big polluters. And crucially, Ruckelshau­s said, some states just don’t want to. They see routine environmen­tal enforcemen­t as a threat to business and jobs.

“The idea that you’re going to delegate it to the states … is completely fraudulent,” Ruckelshau­s said in an interview.

 ?? Sue Ogrocki/Associated Press ?? ■ Tim Tanksley, who has been fighting for years trying to convince Oklahoma lawmakers to crack down on the coal ash dumping, stands outside a dump site on April 8 in Bokoshe, Okla. President Donald Trump’s EPA has approved Oklahoma to be the first state to take over permitting and enforcemen­t on coal-ash sites. “They’re going to do absolutely nothing,” Tanksley said.
Sue Ogrocki/Associated Press ■ Tim Tanksley, who has been fighting for years trying to convince Oklahoma lawmakers to crack down on the coal ash dumping, stands outside a dump site on April 8 in Bokoshe, Okla. President Donald Trump’s EPA has approved Oklahoma to be the first state to take over permitting and enforcemen­t on coal-ash sites. “They’re going to do absolutely nothing,” Tanksley said.

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