Texarkana Gazette

Think Before Acting

Don’t be a cautionary tale


This is one for the “what the heck were they thinking” file. Last April in Pearland, Texas, near Houston, a 13-year-old African-American student attended Berry Miller Junior High School with what’s commonly called a “fade” haircut.

With a fade, the hair is shaved or cut close to the scalp in some places, longer in others. Sometimes there is a design in the shaved areas.

Well, apparently this violated the school’s dress code. The student was given a choice: In-school suspension or — here’s the “what were they thinking” part — allow school officials to color in the design with a permanent black marker.

No, we aren’t kidding.

The student chose to allow administra­tors to use the marker because he didn’t want to jeopardize his standing on the track team.

You can guess what comes next — yes, a lawsuit.

The student’s parents — who were not contacted until the punishment had already been administer­ed — recently filed a federal civil rights suit against the district, school and three administra­tors. The suit charges that the punishment was unfair and demeaning and subjected the student to ridicule that led to anxiety and depression. It also notes the administra­tors — all white, by the way — were laughing as they used the marker and that it took weeks of scrubbing for the ink to fade.

We see similar stories quite often. Different circumstan­ces, same lack of judgement. The lesson here is think before acting. Don’t be one of those stories.

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