Texarkana Gazette

America’s Foundation

U.S. Constituti­on signed 232 years ago


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquilit­y, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constituti­on for the United States of America.”

It was on Sept 17, 1787, that 39 American patriots signed the Constituti­on. That document has guided this nation through good times and bad, prosperity and depression, war and peace, for more than two centuries.

It’s a remarkable document, intended to set out the procedure and power of a government created from scratch and, make no mistake, the limits of that government­al power.

The Constituti­on as signed that day consisted of a preamble and seven articles. The first article concerned the Congress and legislativ­e power. The second dealt with the executive branch. The third the judiciary.

Article Four laid out the states’ powers and their limits, as well as the obligation­s of the federal government. Article Five detailed how the Constituti­on could be amended. Article Six establishe­d the Constituti­on as the supreme law of the land and the seventh article explained the requiremen­ts for ratificati­on of the Constituti­on.

Many think the Bill of Rights—the first 10 amendments to the Constituti­on—were part of the original document. They were not. Those 10 amendments were part of 12 proposed in 1789. The third through 12th proposed amendments became the First through 10th Amendments when ratified in 1791. The second proposed amendment, which dealt with how members of Congress are compensate­d, was not ratified until 200 years later. It became the 27th Amendment in 1992. The first proposed amendment of 1789— dealing with how representa­tives are apportione­d based on population—still has not been ratified.

Today is Constituti­on Day, when we honor that document as the foundation of our nation and our liberty.

Surprising­ly, Constituti­on Day is a recent federal holiday. From 1952 until 2005, Sept. 17 had been designated Citizenshi­p Day.

But Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia thought that the Constituti­on should be celebrated and proposed the new name. He also included a provision that every federally funded educationa­l institutio­n be required to stress the history and meaning of the Constituti­on to students on this day.

Many schools and colleges have taken it a step further and declared “Constituti­on Week” to provide a more complete educationa­l experience.

We like that idea. Taken to a national level, Constituti­on Week is something that could do our nation a lot of good.

Of course, it’s not just students who should look to the Constituti­on—all Americans should stand in awe of the extraordin­ary Founders who gave us this document. And all Americans should take the time and effort to read the Constituti­on and study its history for themselves.

Over the years, the people of the U.S. have squabbled over how the Constituti­on should be interprete­d. That’s to be expected. But our Constituti­on has stood for 232 years and will stand for many generation­s yet to come. For that may we be truly thankful.

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