Texarkana Gazette

Reader calls for potluck parity

- Heloise King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: I’ve been meaning to write about the subject of potluck dinners. I myself don’t like them.

I thought for a potluck dinner you were to bring something that you’d make and serve to your family, and to make enough for three to six people. People bring a platter of deviled eggs or a potato dish of some kind. Is that what you would put on your table for dinner? What about the meat, chicken or fish?

It doesn’t seem right that only a few bring a meat dish and some only bring a side dish. How right is it to fill up on all the meat, chicken or fish, and you only brought an egg platter or potatoes? Am I wrong? Maybe that’s the reason I don’t go to any. — Felicia, via email

Felicia, I understand your frustratio­n; meat is more expensive! Readers, go the extra mile with your potluck dishes. Make something you’d be proud to feed your family, and even include a stack of recipe cards with the dish.

Fall is the time for tailgating and cooler patio meals. Enjoy this time with your family and friends. — Heloise

Sweater Saver

Dear Heloise: I have cashmere sweaters, many of which now have holes in them. The sweaters are stored in a plastic hanging bag with cedar sachets.

Any suggestion­s on how to keep these expensive sweaters from being destroyed? — Wanda, via email

Wanda, first things first: The holes are likely caused from moth larvae. Dry cleaning and repairing the holes in cashmere sweaters is an expensive propositio­n, but likely worth it.

Remove the sweaters from the plastic bags, and store them in a dry, airtight container. A plastic box with a tightfitti­ng lid should be fine.

The cedar sachet is OK, but probably not pungent enough to be toxic to moths. — Heloise

Pod Nod

Dear Heloise: I read your column in the Orange County (Calif.) Register. My hint is a way to stretch your coffee dollar when using single-serve coffee pods.

After the first run, shake the pod and reinsert, using the same hole in the bottom of the pod. Run it through again. The quality is nearly the same! I mix the two and get twice as much coffee for half the price! — Marilyn M., Mission Viejo, Calif.

Shelter Donations

Dear Readers: While out shopping, buy extra bundles of underwear, socks and T-shirts, and donate them to a shelter or to someone in need. — Heloise

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