Texarkana Gazette

Mother asks for respect at family holiday gathering

- Jane lackstone (Dr. Jann Blackstone is the author of “Ex-etiquette for Parents: Good Behavior After Divorce or Separation,” and the founder of Bonus Families, bonusfamil­ies. com. Email her at the Ex-Etiquette website exetiquett­e.com at dr.jann@exetiquett

Q: Our Thanksgivi­ng tradition is that my sisters and our families congregate at my Mom’s home each year. My mother has been married a few times and for the last 6 months has been living with someone new in her home. Even though I live less than 10 miles away, I’ve only met him a few times. She does not invite me to her home.

My mother’s marital history has been shaky, to say the least, and I really don’t want to get to know this new guy. I don’t care if he’s nice or not. I’m rather outspoken and have told her that. Her response was, “OK, that’s fine. If you choose to come, just don’t make a scene and ruin Thanksgivi­ng for everyone else.” I feel like she’s picking this new guy over me. What’s good ex-etiquette?

A: First, let me premise my answer based on the limited informatio­n in your question. There is probably more to the story, but on face value, your stance may be setting yourself up for failure. As a married adult, you should know firsthand that when family members give you ultimatums about your partner, it typically causes a rift. Basically, it’s asking someone to choose between two people they love. To complicate the situation, your mother and this “guy” live together. I can’t imagine you expect her to ask him to leave on Thanksgivi­ng while you attend dinner at her home. If that is your intent, you’re way out of line.

Frankly, I think your mother’s response was quite fitting, and I don’t think it is an indicator that she’s choosing her guy over you. In her response she put the responsibi­lity for your actions in your court. She didn’t get angry or lash out; she simply made her boundaries clear. That is good ex-etiquette rule No. 9, “Respect each other’s turf,” plain and simple. She acknowledg­ed your feelings and explained that if you choose to attend, act graciously on her turf (in her home). If you don’t think you can do that, the alternativ­e is to find somewhere else to spend the holiday. That’s not taking sides. That’s expecting those who come to your home to act like adults and be respectful.

With all the holiday parties just around the corner, “Whose side am I on?” and “Who should I invite?” are common questions faced by hosts and hostess. But, like your mother, hosts and hostesses do not have to take sides. An easy alternativ­e is to invite both parties — advise them of such — and let the parties decide who will attend. The host’s only expectatio­n is that if both do attend, they respect the host’s turf and act respectful­ly toward one another in public. The key is to not make others attending feel uncomforta­ble.

Finally, an important considerat­ion in all this is that there will probably be children present at your mother’s Thanksgivi­ng dinner, some of which may be too young to understand your position. For that reason alone, it is your obligation to put your best foot forward and set the example if you choose to attend. That’s putting the children first. That’s good ex-etiquette.

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