Texarkana Gazette

Confrontin­g ‘OK boomer’ at Thanksgivi­ng

- Drew Bennett

Thanksgivi­ng is a time when family and friends of all generation­s gather. I look forward to this event; it is a time of joy and gratitude. But I’m also a little apprehensi­ve. I remember past Thanksgivi­ngs when I was young. After the meal, discussion­s of serious issues sometimes turned into heated debate.

In preparatio­n for our family celebratio­n, I have been thinking about potential hot button issues, specifical­ly: how I should respond if one of the younger members of our table should use the phrase that is growing in popularity to express their dissatisfa­ction with my generation.

What if someone pops off with, “OK boomer?”

I could respond:

I sense your frustratio­n, but you might want to wait until your generation has actually solved some of the world’s problems before you make the flippant, condescend­ing remark, “OK boomer.”

Or: You want to blame us for climate change, well, it was the baby-boomer generation that called for action to stop the destructio­n of natural habitats, endangered species, and air and water pollution. Just 50 years ago you couldn’t see the Hollywood sign because of air pollution and Lake Erie would catch on fire. The boomers cleaned that up — you’re welcome.

Or: You want to blame us for prejudice and inequality, well, it was the baby-boomer generation that solidified civil rights and equal opportunit­y for women. We can all agree that the job is not finished. But don’t discount the progress our generation made and the hard work it took to make it — again you’re welcome.

Or: You want to blame us for all the ills in government and society, well, baby-boomers do more than just whine about it. As a percentage, boomers vote more and volunteer more than millennial­s or gen Z. It was the boomers who demonstrat­ed in numbers and demanded the end of the Vietnam War, a war in which almost 60,000 of our generation gave their lives. You might want to thank us for eliminatin­g polio and winning the cold war, which could have escalated into world obliterati­on — again you’re welcome.

Or: You want to say we don’t do anything to fix the problem, well, put your money where your mouth is. Boomers give much more money to charity than your generation.

Yeah, you’re welcome. Before sneering at baby-boomers’ contributi­ons to society, you should stop playing on your cellphone and take a long hard look at your own level of maturity and responsibi­lity. Perhaps you do that from your safe space after you’ve checked your trigger warnings. If you really want to make things better, instead of dismissing baby-boomers you will find it much more productive to work with them. Oh wait, that requires “work” and too often you are busy indulging yourself because, well in the language of your tweeted philosophy: “YOLO.”

Despite some major, often difficult, disagreeme­nts with our predecesso­rs, “The Greatest Generation,” most baby-boomers acknowledg­e that our accomplish­ments and advancemen­ts were made while standing on the shoulders of those who went before. Neverthele­ss, the baby-boomer generation has its problems and we are far, far from perfect. You will inherit our flawed and unfinished work. While we haven’t given up yet, we must begin to pass the torch to those who follow. In doing so, we wish you all the best.

Or I could smile and respond:

How would you like to join me in another piece of pumpkin pie? By the way, there is an interestin­g op-ed that I tore out of the paper. I’d like you to take it home to read. No wait, I’ll just text you the link.

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