Texarkana Gazette

Philadelph­ia, China making music

- Trudy Rubin

SHANGHAI — It was not the most auspicious moment for building people-to-people ties with China.

U.S. trade and tech wars with China were intensifyi­ng. Washington was rife with talk of a new U.S.China Cold War. Even sports exchanges — that reliable standby of goodwill — had been drawn into politics by Beijing’s harsh reaction to a tweet by a midlevel NBA official in support of Hong Kong protests.

But here were four musicians from the Philadelph­ia Orchestra, just off a full orchestra tour of Taiwan, Japan and South Korea, arriving in Shanghai to teach and play at ShanghaiTe­ch University along with musicians from the Shanghai Philharmon­ic.

Could music still survive as an apolitical bridge between citizens of two countries that have become strategic competitor­s and are viewing each other with rising suspicion?

When it comes to the Philadelph­ia Orchestra — the answer is yes, with some caveats. In fact, the orchestra’s efforts are more important than ever as the United States and China drift further apart.

That’s because the orchestra’s rock-star status in China offers it unique possibilit­ies for bridge-building. Even youngsters are aware that, in 1973, it was the first Western orchestra to play in the People’s Republic of China. It has made 11 full visits since then, the last one in May.

“We meet third- and fourth-generation Chinese who remember that visit,” said the orchestra’s CEO, Matias Tarnopolsk­y in Shanghai. “We’re the custodians of this relationsh­ip.

“Every time we are here it has a slightly different flavor, with our musicians going into the community, playing in hospitals, working with students or with Chinese folk musicians. This creates a bond that ties the orchestra to many institutio­ns in China.”

The latest ties include a planned a three-way, threeyear partnershi­p with the Shanghai Philharmon­ic and ShanghaiTe­ch, a stunning new university with trees and a stream winding between glass fronted buildings. The university has a Philadelph­ia connection: Its president, Jiang Mianheng, has a Ph.D. from Drexel University. He is also the son of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

The orchestra’s principal cellist, Hai-Ye Ni, one of the four visiting musicians, is also a link between Philly and Shanghai. She was raised in the city, home to the oldest classical symphony orchestra in China, founded in 1879. Ni went to the United States as a teenager, when her scientist father moved to Berkeley University, but now feels like an ambassador to her birthplace. “I feel music is the universal language of the world,” she says.

Indeed, it is fascinatin­g to watch the passion with which many Chinese embrace classical music. “Living standards have risen, so people want to enrich their life,” says Zhiyuan Zhu, vice president of the university. “It is popular for youngsters to play an instrument.”

That enthusiasm for Western music extends to ShanghaiTe­ch, where science students have formed a student symphony, even though music is not currently taught here. Their conductor is a postgradua­te student and they squeeze in practice once a week. So they were visibly enthusiast­ic when cellist Ni, violist Meng Wang, and violinists Mei Ching Huang and Paul Roby sat down to coach them after a halting performanc­e of Benjamin Britten’s “Simple Symphony.”

“I firmly believe music ties people together,” exulted student violinist Yinqing Yao, a 21-year-old computer scientist, after the lesson. (He started studying violin at 5 but was instructed by his parents to become an engineer.)

Philadelph­ia violist Wang, also Chinese-born, told students that when he attended the Beijing Conservato­ry, students slept 11 to a hot, sweaty room, shared one bathroom, and had to buy a ticket to a public shower.

How things have changed. The new Zhejiang Conservato­ry of Music, not far from Shanghai, reportedly contains nine concert halls and has room for 5,000 students. Clearly, Chinese officials expect demand for classical music to rise. (Note: The Philadelph­ia Orchestra also offers seminars on orchestra management and how to fill new concert halls and conservato­ries.)

When Philadelph­ia Orchestra members gave a chamber music concert alongside counterpar­ts from the Shanghai Philharmon­ic, 600 students and faculty competed for 300 seats.

But what does this tell us about the bigger picture and whether the orchestra’s efforts to build diverse connection­s in China can manage to avoid all political traps?

“Politics is not affecting what we do here,” insists Tarnopolsk­y. He hopes the strategic partnershi­p with ShanghaiTe­ch can flow two ways, even expanding into melding technology with music.

“We do avoid politics, but we are very aware of what is going on,” he continues. “We believe music can make some basic human connection­s that are pretty well absent from other forums.”

He is correct, which is why I think the orchestra’s efforts are important (although I think it may be tough to avoid the swirling political currents).

At a time of rising paranoia, it would be dangerous if the many societal ties between our two countries were sundered. With its stellar brand and emphasis on the humanity of music, the Philadelph­ia Orchestra stands a chance of bucking the trend.

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