Texarkana Gazette

Abortion rights groups drop suit over ordinances


DALLAS — Two reproducti­ve rights groups have dropped their lawsuit against seven small East Texas towns that had declared abortion-rights organizati­ons "criminal organizati­ons" in anti-abortion ordinances that prohibit them from operating within city limits.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas said Wednesday that the lawsuit had achieved its purpose of compelling the towns to revise their ordinances "to allow pro-abortion organizati­ons to operate within the cities and stop calling them 'criminal,'" said Imelda

Mejia, spokeswoma­n for the ACLU of Texas.

The ACLU had filed the lawsuit three months ago on behalf of the Texas Equal Access Fund and the Lilith Fund for Reproducti­ve Equity in federal court in Marshall, Texas.

The lawsuit was filed against Waskom, Naples, Joaquin, Tenaha, Rusk, Gary and Wells. They are among municipali­ties in Texas that in the last year have passed the largely symbolic ordinances. None of the cities — which range in population from around 300 to 5,000 — have abortion clinics.

The lawsuit noted that the ordinances concede the cities can't ban abortion under the current law. The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade establishe­s a nationwide right to abortion. But the lawsuit says the ordinances label TEA Fund, the Lilith Fund and other abortion-rights organizati­ons as "criminal organizati­ons" and unconstitu­tionally ban them from operating in their cities.

The lawsuit also says that the wording prohibitin­g the groups from "operating" within the cities is so vague that it's unclear what exactly is prohibited.

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