Texarkana Gazette


COVID-19 woes forcing some eateries to add a bit to the final bill


Now that restaurant dining areas are gradually reopening, we know that many here in the Twin Cities and across the U.S. are eager to get out for a meal.

Not everyone likes to cook and takeout gets pretty tedious, so the urge is understand­able.

You might be in for a surprise when you get the bill, though.

Many restaurant­s are adding what has come to be called a “coronaviru­s surcharge” on the final tab in addition to stated menu prices.

The charge may be a set amount — $1 or so — or it might be a percentage of the total. Restaurant­s usually post a notice of the surcharge but that doesn’t mean every customer sees it or even reads it. That has led to some confusion, some nasty social media remarks and even a few heated confrontat­ions with the server or at the register.

The reason for the additional charge is the rising price of meat, vegetables and other commoditie­s caused by production and shipping problems associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ve probably noticed higher prices while shopping at the supermarke­t. Restaurant­s aren’t immune from those increases.

Some smaller restaurant­s even have a hard time finding enough supplies, such as meat, to serve their customers.

We understand customers might not like seeing a small additional charge on their bill — especially if it was unexpected. And it may come as a surprise since not all restaurant­s are adding the surcharge. But if you don’t see a notice and want to be sure, all you have to do is ask you server.

Some understand­ing is essential during these tough times. Restaurant­s, like the rest of us, are just doing the best they can.

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