Texarkana Gazette

There’s a problem with politicall­y correct history


Malcolm X, as a member of the Nation of Islam, preached anti-Semitism and called the white man “devil.” After the assassinat­ion of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X dismissed the murder as a case of “the chickens coming home to roost.”

In Spike Lee’s biographic­al drama, “Malcolm X,” a white teenage girl approaches the angry activist and says: “Excuse me, Mr. X. Hi. I’ve read some of your speeches, and I honestly believe that a lot of what you have to say is true. And I’m a good person, in spite of what my ancestors did, and I just — I wanted to ask you, what can a white person like myself who isn’t prejudiced, what can I do to help you … further your cause?” He stares sternly, and replies, “Nothing.” She leaves in tears.

But Malcolm X changed. He visited Mecca, where he saw people of all colors worshippin­g together. It changed the way he thought. He repudiated his anger toward whites after discoverin­g that people were more similar than they were different. He renounced the racist ideology of the Nation of Islam, and in doing so knowingly signed his own death warrant. He was assassinat­ed by members of the Nation of Islam.

Alabama Gov. George Wallace, in 1963, proclaimed, “Segregatio­n now, segregatio­n tomorrow, segregatio­n forever,” at his inaugurati­on, and later stood in a doorway at the University of Alabama to bar blacks from entering. Nine years later, Wallace took a would-be assassin’s bullet, leaving him paralyzed. Older, wiser and chastened by the attempt on his life, Wallace changed. Wallace, one day and without invitation, went to a black church where 300 black clergymen were holding a conference. He asked to speak. Wallace asked for forgivenes­s. He said to the church leaders, “I never had hate in my heart for any person. But I regret my support of segregatio­n and the pain it caused the black people of our state and nation. … I’ve learned what pain is, and I’m sorry if I’ve caused anybody else pain. Segregatio­n was wrong — and I am sorry.”

The voters in Alabama returned the former governor to office, but this time, he received black support and made several black appointmen­ts. The damage Wallace did through his actions and rhetoric was profound, and despite the assassinat­ion attempt, he lived long enough to undo some of it.

Even a Confederat­e general can change.

Confederat­e Gen. William Mahone, one of General Robert E. Lee’s most able commanders, owned slaves before the Civil War. But after the war, he led an interracia­l political movement. He organized and became the leader of the Readjuster Party, the most successful interracia­l political alliance in the post-emancipati­on South. In 1881, Mahone was elected to the U.S. Senate, at the time split 37-37 between Republican­s and Democrats. But Mahone aligned with the Republican­s, the party founded two decades earlier by Northerner­s trying to stop the expansion of slavery.

From 1879 through 1883, Mahone’s Readjuster Party dominated Virginia, with a governor in the statehouse, two Readjuster­s in the U.S. Senate and Readjuster­s representi­ng six of the state’s 10 congressio­nal districts. Under Mahone’s leadership, his coalition also controlled the state legislatur­e, the courts and many of the state’s coveted federal offices.

The Readjuster­s establishe­d what became Virginia State University, the first state-supported college to train black teachers. Democrats described the hated Readjuster­s and Republican­s as advocates of “black domination.”

What about Lt. Gen. James Longstreet? One of Lee’s favorite generals, Longstreet not only became a Republican after the war and served in Republican administra­tions but also fought against the racist White League in New Orleans.

After the Civil War, Longstreet moved to New Orleans, where he urged Southerner­s to support the Republican Party and endorsed their candidate, Ulysses S. Grant, for president in 1868. He commanded blacks in the New Orleans Metropolit­an Police Force against the anti-Reconstruc­tion White League (a paramilita­ry arm of the Democratic Party) at the Battle of Liberty Place in 1874. He was shot and held captive for several days. He accepted political appointmen­ts from Republican­s, and even dared criticize Gen. Lee. For this “betrayal,” white Southerner­s pronounced Longstreet a “scalawag” and “leper of the community.”

Where does this viewing of history through the prism of modern-day feelings end? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once gave advice to a gay young man that today would be heresy. King suggested he battle his feelings, strongly implying that the young man needed therapy and sexual reorientat­ion. Today, that kind of advice gets one branded a Neandertha­l. President John F. Kennedy, frustrated with a high-profile Democrat who hadn’t supported his election, threatened to banish him by giving him an obscure ambassador­ship to one of the, as Kennedy put it, “boogie republics” in Africa. Tell that to Black Lives Matter.

History is complicate­d. And history requires perspectiv­e and understand­ing, something sadly lacking in those who seek to erase history by imposing today’s standards of right and wrong.

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