Texarkana Gazette

Russia’s Putin needs a Trump win more than ever

- Trudy Rubin

Four thousand miles west of Portland, Oregon, clear across the Pacific Ocean, there are other political demonstrat­ions that deserve our attention.

In Russia’s far eastern city of Khabarovsk, near the Chinese border, tens of thousands of angry Russians have turned out for three weeks to protest the arrest of a popular young governor. Sergei Furgal was pulled from his car, bundled off to Moscow and accused of 15-year-old murders, but his real crime was to challenge Vladimir Putin by defeating a Kremlin ally in elections.

What makes these demonstrat­ions so stunning is that Putin has crushed similar protests in far off Moscow, and elsewhere. The Kremlin has also been cracking down on free press remnants and political activists since Putin orchestrat­ed a July 1 referendum that permits him to remain president for his lifetime.

Yet serious economic problems, including low oil prices and the ravages of COVID-19 — along with gross Kremlin corruption — are eating away at Putin’s legitimacy. The Kremlin was apparently taken by surprise by the outpouring of public fury in Khabarovsk and hasn’t yet decided what to do.

Khabarovsk is a bracing reminder that, weakened at home, Putin will be even more eager to prove that Russia is still a global great power. That gives him a strong incentive to try again to interfere in a U.S. presidenti­al election in favor of his fervent admirer, Donald J. Trump.

Watching clips of the demonstrat­ions, it is easy to feel the rage of Russians at Putin’s billionair­e circle while many medical facilities lack running water or heating and small businesses are ripped off by officials.

If you want to grasp how post-Soviet Russia was overtaken by thugs, read “Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West,” by investigat­ive journalist Catherine Belton. It traces how Putin and a small group of KGB agents, many from his hometown of St. Petersburg, took control of the country’s natural resources and extended tentacles into the United States and Europe.

Reading the book cast me back to a day November 1998 when I stood by the stairs in a St. Petersburg apartment building, on a landing strewn with flowers in tribute to Galina Starovoito­va. A human rights activist and parliament member whom I knew well, she had been gunned down right there a couple of days prior, apparently because of her crusade against corruption in the oil industry. Putin, then head of Russia’s main intelligen­ce agency and soon to become president, could surely have learned who ordered the hit job, but the murderer was never identified.

So one must give full credit to the courage of the demonstrat­ors — and Gov. Furgal. Although Putin’s popularity is at its lowest since he took power, it still stands at 59%, perhaps because Russians see no alternativ­e, perhaps because they fear pollsters. The people of Khabarovsk know the dangers of challengin­g Putin and the slim odds of moving the Kremlin, yet they still turn out.

But the Kremlin kidnapping of Furgal is a reminder of Putin’s methodolog­y — and of the importance of the 2020 election to the Russian leader. He has made clear his determinat­ion to expand Russian influence in Europe, with political and military provocatio­ns. He openly seeks to undermine NATO and to weaken the European Union.

Trump has helped Putin in the past — denigratin­g the EU and NATO, and threatenin­g to quit the security alliance, while inviting Putin back to G-7 talks over European objections. Should Trump be reelected, many European officials assume he would exit NATO. “If Trump wins, it is not a matter of if, but when NATO goes away,” I was told by Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), a member of the U.S. delegation to the NATO Parliament­ary Assembly. Boyle says this is the firm belief of pro-American officials across the ideologica­l spectrum in Europe.

So Putin has every incentive to intervene again in the 2020 election.

“They don’t need to do much, just to take advantage of our volatility,” says Fiona Hill, the former National Security expert on Russia who testified at the Trump impeachmen­t hearings. “If they think Biden is going to win, they will try to weaken him. If the election is tight, something small might have more consequenc­es.”

Khabarovsk should serve as a warning that an autocrat wounded at home may strike out elsewhere. Think of Galina. Pray for the demonstrat­ors. And beware.

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