Texarkana Gazette

Paid COVID-19 leave for Arkansas teachers proposed


LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson and education officials on Friday proposed setting aside $20 million for teachers who have to miss work because of the coronaviru­s as the state reported one of its biggest increases in confirmed virus cases since the pandemic began.

Hutchinson proposed using federal coronaviru­s relief funds to provide up to two weeks of paid leave for teachers and staff who have to quarantine because of the virus. The proposal goes before a state panel next week.

Teachers and staff would use this leave before using any of their own sick days or personal leave under the plan, state Education Secretary Johnny Key said.

“We don't want that to have to come out of their ordinary leave or their pocket," Hutchinson said.

Arkansas public schools reopen later this month, despite objections from teachers and pediatrici­ans about resuming onsite instructio­n during the pandemic. The Education Department this week said schools must remain open all five days a week, complicati­ng some districts' plans to limit onsite instructio­n because of the virus outbreak.

Key said the state doesn't expect schools to teach all students onsite five days a week, but said that option should be available for students who need it. Some districts had planned to alternate students between remote and in-person instructio­n to reduce the risk of the virus' spread.

The Arkansas Education Associatio­n called the paid leave proposal a step in the right direction, citing the fears many teachers who have classes resuming as the state's number of confirmed cases rise.

“Educators should not have additional fear about whether or not they will be paid if they are exposed to this deadly virus and forced to quarantine to prevent the spread to their students and their families," Carol Fleming, the group's president, said in a statement.

The Department of Health said at least 48,039 people have tested positive for the virus, an increase of 1,011 confirmed cases since Thursday. Friday marked the state's third-highest single-day increase in cases.

The department said 7,158 of the state's confirmed cases are active, meaning they don't include people who have died or recovered.

The true number of cases in Arkansas is likely higher because many people have not been tested, and studies suggest people can be infected and not feel sick.

As of Friday, the number of people who have died from COVID19, the illness caused by the virus, increased by six to 521. The number of people hospitaliz­ed increased by nine to 523.

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