Texarkana Gazette

‘Keep Cooking and Carry On’

Hulu loads up on new Jamie Oliver series

- By Michelle Rose

Netflix gets a lot of love for its culinary-themed original series. But when it comes to binge-worthy food shows, Hulu’s no slouch — its catalog is teeming with new series and classics, and the list of options is constantly growing.

A new series (for us) from British chef Jamie Oliver just popped up on Hulu a few weeks ago, on July 27, to be exact.And as the title suggests, “Keep Cooking and Carry On” is Oliver’s way of encouragin­g us all to eat well, even in unpreceden­ted times.

The series was a resounding success in the United Kingdom, where it aired on Channel 4. It was quickly launched in response to the coronaviru­s pandemic — Oliver described production as “a three-month job in three days” — and every episode was filmed in Oliver’s home, with only his wife, Jools, and children as his crew.

Hulu is hoping its simple, quick-fire format will resonate with American audiences, too. In each episode — there are 20 in total — Oliver shares his tricks and easy hacks to help you make the most of whatever ingredient­s you have on hand. He’ll also demonstrat­e simple but fun recipes ranging from bread and homemade pasta to eggless brownies.

Oliver has a tendency of being a lightning rod for criticism — he famously came under fire for using chorizo in paella — and some viewers of “Keep Cooking” criticized his use of ingredient­s and tools that might not have a place in every kitchen. Still, the point of this series is to encourage viewers to get creative and have fun with food by adopting a more flexible approach.

The title of the series is, of course, a play on the British wartime rallying cry that has been endlessly parodied. But “Keep Cooking and Carry On” could very well be Oliver’s mantra coming off the annus horribilis that was 2019. Oliver started the year still fighting off accusation­s of hypocrisy for his $6-million food deal with oil conglomera­te Shell after calling for action on climate change.Then, in May, his restaurant empire came crashing down when bankruptcy forced the closure or sale of 25 of his restaurant­s.

But “Keep Cooking and Carry On,” available on Hulu, is proof that Oliver is just as relatable as ever. More importantl­y, he’s still doing what he loves best: connecting with people and making the world a better, happier and healthier place, even in the time of COVID-19.

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Jamie Oliver hosts “Keep Cooking and Carry On”

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