Texarkana Gazette

Debate Debacle

How can future presidenti­al face-offs be made better for voters?


The first debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden hs drawn a lot of criticism.

We won’t dwell on that. You either saw the debate or have read about it. What we want to know is how to make future debates better.

What do you think? How can future debates be made to make them useful for voters in deciding which candidate to vote for?

Send your response (50 words maximum) to opinion@texarkanag­azette.com by Wednesday, October 7. You can also mail your response to the Texarkana Gazette Friday Poll, at P.O. Box 621, Texarkana, TX 75504 or drop it off at our office, 101 E. Broad St, Texarkana, Ark. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number. We will print as many responses as we can in next Friday’s paper.

Last Week: Replacing RBG?

Last week’s question was the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. Should President Trump fill the Supreme Court post — and the Senate hold confirmati­on hearings — before the election? Or should the nominee be named by the winner in November?

Absolutely not! If McConnell continues down this hypocritic­al path, after denying Obama to fill vacancy during an election year, this will show how Republican­s have become liars and cheats, as long as it benefits them. Since, election is so close allow the voters to decide who should make the pick. What are Republican­s afraid of! — R.K., Texarkana, Texas

Absolutely. We who voted Republican expect the president to use his authority for the full four years. It would be ludicrous to give the lying, hypocritic­al, whining Democrats the opportunit­y to fill the post with another liberal, progressiv­e justice. It’s inconceiva­ble that they wouldn’t do the same. — M.F.T., Texarkana, Texas

They should have waited. People know what fair play is and Mitch McConnell isn’t at all fair. — L.H., Texarkana, Texas

Fill the vacancy now. The difference between now and 2016 (Merrick Garland’s non-hearing) is that Obama was a lame duck president having already served 2 terms. President Trump has served one term and, God willing, will be re-elected. — M.P.A., Texarkana, Texas

No! In 2016 McConnell made the rule that the President can”t put forth a Supreme Court nominee in an election year. Now McConnell wants to ignore his rule.The Senate refused to fulfill its Constituti­onal obligation in 2016m but are ready to do it now. Hypocrites! S.S., Texarkana. Arkansas

The Constituti­on grants Trump, and the Senate the right. They should move forward with his nominee. Especially considerin­g the possibilit­y of a Biden win. His pick would agree with others, who have no respect for the literal intent of the Constituti­on. Subjecting it to re-interpreta­tion, to make it compatible with their increasing­ly “leftist” agenda. — D.H.M., Texarkana, Arkansas

From www.facebook.com/texarkanag­azette

■ NOW or we’ll get another commie JUDGE!

■ With the turmoil in our country we need that seat filled. I don’t care what was done in the past I don’t care about what was said in the past this is now it’s been a horrible year having that seat vacant will do no one any good.

■ The fact of the matter is she is liked by both side and the complainin­g going on is just a publicity stunt! She isn’t as she seems! The so called conservati­ves want to believe she is a radical Republican when In fact she is a moderate at best and a liberal on some scales! She can be swayed either way and this is why she will not face much resistance but if you listen to the Main Stream media the Democrats are up in arms and that’s just a straight up lie!

■ 30 days from an election, let the people decide! The pure hypocrisy is no surprise from the Republican party … yall have been ignoring America while 45 shits all over everything great about this country for 3.5 years. 45 wants to be a dictator, because he has the ego of a 5 year old. The country I love Has to be better than this.

■ Wait, if they can make the then sitting President wait, then the current sitting President can wait… seems fair.

■ In 2016 we all new time was up. There for sure would be a new pres. Trump will probably go back in for 4 more year’s. To me that’s the difference.

■ There’ over a dozen presidents before Trump that decided. If you’re mad that he’s wanting to reverse Wade vs roe then you can go play in traffic.

■ Obama nominated, The the Senate sat on it. Democratic’s changed the rules for filibuster to meet the need at that time. Now they have to live with it even when it broke every past rule.

■ President nominates and the Senate can agree or not.

■ I had to sit and watch hundreds of hours trying to remove this President. If he is re-elected what will everyone say then? Not fair? Do the job and move on.

■ The President Trump won the election he gets to decide Supreme Court judge. Democrats loss it’s over it. Welcome to life. Some you win some times lose. Go over to a corner and cry.

■ The 2016 election and the 2020 election are different scenarios. In 2016, Obama was never going to be president again. He was a true lame duck. Trump has the possibilit­y of being president for the next four years.

■ The current President is in charge of the Executive Branch until noon on 01/20/‘21.

■ We may need it filled if there is problems with the election.

■ Should be named by the winner and I hope the winner is NOT Trump!!

■ Not a matter of opinion. The constituti­on says the President shall nominate when there is a vacancy and the Senate either confirms or not. End of story!

■ Fill that seat, now!

■ Absolutely he is doing a great job!

■ Winner will be Trump. And he paying is the best thing this year. Not her dying as person, but her beliefs and influence has died. Which was evil.

■ If the Republican­s wanted to wait with a WHOLE YEAR to go when OBAMA was in office then we should wait now … what is good for one party is good for another … it’s only a MONTH till the election … WAIT until the election and let the people decide … people are already voting now.

■ Nominating an individual who has never argued an appeal, never faced a jury trial, and is known for her extremist views in her dissents which she basis’s on her religious views is the biggest reason for my personal opposition to the nominee. Quite frankly, the GOP and Speaker McConnell have lost all legitimacy in the eyes of the American people. One set of rules for Republican­s and another for anyone that opposes their agenda. The American people should have a voice in selecting the next SCOTUS appointee. Remember those words?

■ Doesn’t matter to me but the Republican­s have the Senate so drive on.

■ This should not be a question. The opposition party will always want to wait. It is a part of the current president’s job. I appreciate a president that actually does the work he or she is elected to do.

■ Trump is president and it is his responsibi­lity. If the Democrats were in office they would. Do it Mr. President.

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